Chapter 8: Defence of the Capital (Short chapter)

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In the Previous Chapter


Silence fills the room as this is said immediately Fuegoleon Questions the man who uses his magic to show whats happening in the City as it appears they see the Capital in complete disaster the citizens are being attacked by undead creatures and the Magic Knights on the scene are being overwhelmed as this is Happening The Captains are Discussing what to do The Doctor is Still looking at the Destruction of the Capital as if to look for something By the Time he comes back into the conversation he notices everyone getting ready to leave he looks Towards them and says "Healing Magic: Enhance" a red aura surrounds everyone as the Doctor says "I've enhanced your magic it should last about 10-20 minutes depending on what spells you use" they all nod and leave however Marx stays and asks "Where will you fight Doctor?" To which he points towards the Left side of the Kingdom and immediately teleports out leaving Marx to wonder why there

The Capital

A Hooded Magic Knight is being surrounded by the Undead trying her best to Stop they're advance She keeps sending spell after spell at them trying to at least slow them down Upon backing up she accidentally stumbles and falls down twisting her ankle in the process as she struggles to get up the Undead surround her

Expecting the worst she closes her Eyes and awaits the inevitable as this happens however the Undead are struck by Lightning turning them to Dust Opening her Eyes she sees the Doctor looking around for more enemy's before he looks to her and asks "Are you hurt Miss?" The Mage can only nod her head as she points to her Ankle she sees him look at it and put his hand over it enveloping it in a red aura and Healing her ankle entirely Still shocked she hears him say "Can you Still fight?" She nods Regaining her voice saying
"I can whats the plan?" She asks noting the man infront of her is clearly more experienced the Doctor humms saying "we should get to the others and defeat the ones casting this spell what magic do you use miss?" He questions wanting to know before hand to create strategies for the upcoming battles The Mage nods saying "I use Flame Magic but its more Volatile in closed spaces if were In the open we can use it" he nods responding with "I use Healing magic and Research Magic to put it simply i can heal and enhance you and use a spell which strengthens you're Magic as well" he finishes now making plans to help whilst the Mage is looking at him in awe not noticing the blush on her face

They both Discuss what to do against the enemy their strategy was for her to shoot fire at them whilst he uses Wind Magic to amplify said flames hoping it would work immensely if they were to be near civilians they'd switch to the Doctor in melee combat with the mage burning any enemy who he knocks down During this thinking they both suddenly Notice Multiple Mana signatures outside the Kingdom both nodding to each other the Doctor teleports them both outside the walls in time to see a platoon of Diamond mages coming towards them They both notice the platoon is at least intermediate Magic Knight level Making them be at least strong in the force their in Looking around for ways to stall them the Doctor Silently whispers something to the mage who's eyes widen a bit and nod to the Man now preparing their Plan

As the Diamond mages Get closer to the Kingdom they are smirking evilly attempting hoping to take advantage of the chaos in the Capital and eliminate the King and some Magic Knights as well as Destroy the Kingdom Upon reaching the wall they think there will be no problems whatsoever....this changes once Walls appear around them and above them blocking them off from Escaping looking forward they see a Masked man and female Mage infront of them upon close inspection they see Blue flames come from the Mage as they shoot straight towards all of them incinerating all of them entirely

8 seconds to 11 seconds is what she Does

As the flames disperse the walls do aswell Looking towards eachother the Mage pumps her fist in the air saying "We did it!" She says excitedly now happy they stopped potential invasion of the Kingdom the Doctor look towards her and says chuckling "That we did however we couldn't of Done it without the other so Good work" he says Making her Blush as she says "No no without you sir we wouldn't of been able to stop them at all!" She says Making the Doctor chuckle thinking 'So humble' They both stand in silence for a Minute Before The Mage says "Now that we can rest whats your Name? I realised we didn't ask eachother during the Fight and strategies let me Introduce Myself!" She says removing her hood

As the flames disperse the walls do aswell Looking towards eachother the Mage pumps her fist in the air saying "We did it!" She says excitedly now happy they stopped potential invasion of the Kingdom the Doctor look towards her and says chuckling ...

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"My names Ashley Nice to Meet you!" She says with a smile Making the Doctor blush slightly behind his mask thinking 'Cute' as he Responds "Nice to meet you Ashley My nam-" he's cut off by Seeing a lot of Magic Knights together going towards the capital seeing Nozel there he turns to Ashley saying "we better hurry ill introduce myself later!" He says quickly Making her respond with a quick "Ok!" Whilst Grumbling under her breath "Just when I was gonna get his name..." as they Teleport back into the Capital

Back inside the Capital

The Doctor and Ashley appear back in the Capital and immediately sprint towards where the Magic Knights were headed upon reaching them he sees Fuegoleon bleeding out with Mimosa trying to heal him Sprinting over He immediately closes the wound with his Magic he asks "What Happened?" He is immediately told of the Spatial Magic that sent the others away and that Fuegoleon was apparently the target all along frowning at this he carrys Fuegoleon towards the Castle Doctor to keep an eye on his condition with everyone following him

At the Castle

The Doctor and other medics were Healing Fuegoleon as the others Waited outside whilst this was happening Nozel Charlotte and the others were waiting for some news Everyone Minus Ashley was now wondering why she was there Nozel asked her "You Girl what Squad are you from?" He demands giving his signature Glare at her Making Ashley Flinch a bit before saying "The Aqua Deer Sir!" She says before continuing "I was with the Doctor Stopping an invasion" as she says this It gains his and The others attention invasion? He asks "invasion? Which Kingdom?" To which she replies
"Diamond Sir we eliminated them before they reached the walls " before anything else is said Julius appears infront of them with a captive and Asta who was taken by the enemy aswell

The Ceremony

After this Attack the Doctor, Ashley and the others returned to the ceremony to hear the Wizard Kings plan as this was happening the Doctor and Ashley were having a normal conversation With the Doctor saying "oh yes the introductions My names Mike good to meet you Ashley" Ashley just nods to this both suddenly hearing their names called by Julius

"First Ashley of the Aqua deers for Helping stop invasion you are awarded the rank of Senior Magic Knight 3rd class" as he says this her Eyes widen in suprise as she bows saying "Thank you"
Julius smiles at this before continuing to the Doctor

"Now for the Doctor not only have you Stopped the Kingdom from invasion and Saved a Magic Knights Captain from death i grant you the Rank of Grand magic Knight 4th class and with the Recommendations of the Captains on the Scene Make you the Black bulls new Vice Captain "


End of Chapter 8

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