2 - The Peaks of Investigation

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Summary — During one early morning, the cadets decide to sneak around headquarters to see if they can find any clues about the identity of who has been recruited.

'So, just to be clear ... what are we doing again?' Rod whispered.
'We're going to find out more about the recruited cadet,' replied Swift.
'Huh? Why? Isn't it supposed to be a surprise?' Rod asked.
'Well,' began Swift. 'Wouldn't you also like to find out more about the cadet?'
'I have been thinking about it,' admitted Rod.

Brody cleared his throat to interrupt Swift and Rod's conversation, his eyes distributing hesitation. 'So, um, I know we've been cadets for a while, but does anyone know where Speedy and Bea sleep? We don't want to run into them.'

'No ... but we should be fine, we're here anyways!' Swift held his arm out, the cadets all ceasing their walking. They had arrived at the lift which led to Bea's workshop. 'Alright, I'll stand guard. Try to be quick, okay?'

'We will!'
The rest of the cadets assured in unison. Rod and Penny followed Brody into the lift.

Once they had arrived and stepped inside, the lights automatically went on, brightening the whole room.

'So, where are we supposed to be looking at?' Rod squinted, his eyes had not yet adjusted to the light.
'Oh, there!' Penny pointed at a bench with various belongings spread over it.
'Don't touch anything, we don't want to accidentally break anything. Let's take notes so we can see if these belongings match the interests of anyone,' suggested Brody.

The cadets recorded their observations on their watches, before Swift burst into the room.
'Quick! I hear footsteps approaching!' The blue jay warned in a hurried whisper.
'Run!' Brody mouthed, gesturing Rod and Penny into the lift.

'How are we supposed to get back to the sleeping quarters?' Penny whispered, before raising an eyebrow. 'Hang on, those shadows seem very ... small?'
Brody sniggered. 'That's 'cause it's just Cheep and Chirp.'

Swift scratched the back of his head as he avoided eye contact, looking down to the ground. 'Er, sorry about that ... false alarm ...'

Cheep and Chirp twittered at the sound of footsteps approaching. Rod held his breath, signalling towards the rest of the cadets. 'Speedy!'
'Oh no! What do we do?' Brody nudged Swift.
'Once Speedy starts yawning, we'll try to sneak past him ... but if he doesn't ...' Swift smirked, nodding his head at Cheep and Chirp. 'I think we can make a distraction ...'

Speedy was bowing over a rummage of paperwork. Swift trembled, his grip growing tighter on Rod's shoulders. Speedy shut his eyes momentarily, before opening them in an effort to stay awake.

Cheep and Chirp bobbed at each other, before Chirp sprang onto Cheep's head and the two shuffled into the presence of the Top Wing instructor, the cadets shrinking against the wall.

'Huh, Cheep, Chirp ... what are you two doing up this early?' The cadets heard Speedy question ... soon followed by a series of jarring screeches.
'Cheep! Chirp! Please be quiet!' Speedy dropped his papers in surprise.
'What the—?' Swift blustered, and the cadets watched with wide eyes as the fledglings jumped onto their instructor.

While Speedy was distracted, waving his arms about in a frenzy as Cheep and Chirp flapped around his head — the cadets zipped past him and hastened back to their sleeping quarters.
'Phew! That was close,' sighed Rod.
'Yeah, closer than we would've liked ...' Penny mumbled.
'Well, we did it team! Now that we're here,' Swift noticed a sliver of sunlight cast upon the floor. 'Could you send the notes you took, so I can have a look too? We can get to discussing about who we think is the new cadet!'

Brody yawned. 'Aw, can't we take a nap? We woke up early, and we don't usually wake up at dawn ... excluding Rod.'

Rod only rolled his eyes with a grin at Brody's comment.

'Okay ... we can take a nap, but at least someone send me—'
But his watch started ringing. Swift answered the call.

'Swift, Grady Treegoat has fallen into a deep ditch and can't get out, I need you to go rescue him. Directions will be dispatched shortly to your watch. I know I can count on you!' Speedy smiled.

The call concluded. A notification popped up onto Swift's watch. He scanned over the blue line that lead to where he had to go.
'Ah, well, I'll see you in a jiffy ... if you're not sleeping by then,' Swift beamed. Then, he flew off.

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