Cover Contest

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Sorry this isnt a chapter I will upload shortly. SORRY.

Hi guys, Since I've decided to published dating the bad I had an idea to let the fans create the cover.

I am allowing  you (the fans) to choose the cover, this will give you a chance to decide how Dating The Bad girl will look- how the cover will be. I'm giving the power to you guys!

I will email you some pictures that are of public domain if you do not have an image that you can use. (If you decide to enter you can email me on the address provided and ask for the pictures)

AND/OR you can use pictures that you have taken yourself and/or pictures which you have permission to use provided you prove to me that the creator of those images has given you/me permission to use it as a book cover. For distributing etc.


- You have to have permission to use the images; if you are using images that do not have a public domain license (Evidence of author's permission to use image without no consequences will have to be sent to me).

- You have to have the title of the book "Dating the Bad Girl" and name of the author "Hazel Night" on the cover.

- You can send me one with a tagline (if you chose to have a tagline, you can pick the tagline provided it links with the book)  AND one without a tagline if you please.

-  You have to email the submission in form of .jpg  or .JPEG

- Size-  Pixel Dimension:

                                  Width : 750 (or higher)

                                  Height: 1000 (or higher)

Document Size:

                                  Width: 10.417 inches

                                   Height: 13.889 inches

                              Resolution: 72 pixels/inches.

-  Ideal height/width ratio of 1.6

 - Maximum of 2000 pixels on the longest side is preferred(if possible)

 - Save at 72 dots per inch (dpi) for optimal viewing on the web (if possible)


- FREE copy of DATING THE BAD GIRL when it is released.

-  Your name will be mentioned in the acknowledgements.

- You will win a FREE  goody-bag full of treats.  I.e British chocolates, sweets and other things etc. Once I have chosen the winner I will post it to you.

- You will be a character in the book.

- You will have my undying gratitude haha.

REMEMBER; email me if you want some pictures that are of public domain and ones I like.


The cover I have at the moment is the one I would like it to be most inspired from and another one I will email upon request.

You can use this site to acquire more images that are public domain. remember to read the lisence and make sure it can be used in a book cover and redistribution;


Email your submissions to;

Keep the subject "Dating the Bad Girl Cover Submissions" please.

Please enter thank you :)

Contest closes:

Friday 6th March 2015

Click the link for some pictures that are of public domain provided you have none of your own;

Feel Free to use other images with the site provided :)

Remember, the real book will be more edited and have more of a plot i.e the characters will be developed more. There will also be a huge amount of editing done to makethe book better and more understandable so I hope you support me on this decision and I have not made any of you unhappy and or angry!

Thank you for reading guys :)

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