Dating the bad girl (Chapter 12)

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Uploaded quickly like I promised. LOL. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter better than the last chapter.

I understand that chapter was rushed. 


Before you read this remember that this book aint fake I have tried to make it as real as possible.

Brittany was kissing Nolan's neck, she was nibbling and chewing and being a whore or whatever it is she does.

Nolan's eyebrows were furrowed and he was staring at this stupid painting while she nibbled away on his neck.

She curved her head so she could smirk at me, she thought she was winning.

Little did she know what I had up my sleeve.

I grinned back at her, I bit off my toast eagerly skipping past her, towards my room.

From: Dylan

In town. Wanna hang out?

From: Danielle

Yh ofc!! where?

From: Dylan

Ill pick u up. ur at ur summer house yh?

From: Danielle

Yh. 7pm syl.

Fifteen minutes later I sat in-front of my mirror swiping the dark red lipstick across my lips.

I looked sexy to say the least.

I had my lip piercings in I had taken them out for Nolan I wasn’t able to kiss him and feel all his lips with them in.

I put them back in, I knew they turned him on. I stuck my tongue out making sure my tongue piercing was in.

I stood up stumbling on my heel for a moment, I examined myself and smirked.

I wore the black dress Nolan has first seen me in, black heels my eyes had the smoky effect bringing out the light brown in my eyes.

Bright red lipstick finished it off making me look mysteriously sexy.

I knew Nolan was one to get easily jealous and this was just me simply meeting up with an old friend again.

Nolan didn’t need to know that.

I skipped down the stairs clutching my bag in my hand, Danielle sat in-front of the grand piano which was placed in the room across the stairs.

The large doors were open and my sister sat on the bench scrawling on a paper.

Oh shit.

Music writing. She got into this crazy Taylor Swift mood when she was stressed.

I narrowed my eyes walking towards her my heels clicking against the marble floor.

Damn I loved that sound it just made me feel so confident.

That sound is the anthem to women-hood, give a girl a pair of heels and she can become so fucking sexy.

“You alright?” I asked trying to see what was on the sheet music.

She snatched it up and stuffed it in the large book beside her.

“Nothing.” she said all to quickly, looking up at me her eyes gleaming.

She was lying.

“Liar.” I snap.

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