Dating the bad girl [Chapter 39]

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Chapter 39

Danielle P.O.V

After Isahiah locks the doors to my house and checks everything is safe he comes back to my room.

I sit up my hands sweating, I push my toes out from underneath the blanket, nerves overcoming me.

Suck it up.

Isahiah sits on the edge of the bed his back slouched, his entire posture slouches "I tried with you Danielle, you know what you do?" he stiffens when I crawl closer to him, he feels the bed dip beside him I'm still unable to see him "You use people," he mumbles, he sighs.

I cut him off "I'm done with Nolan, you are not listening to me." I tell him, desperate clinging at any string of hope, "I broke up with him, I'm done with him for fucks sake! I don't fucking want him you idiot, it's you! And if you insist I spend time chasing you, I wont anymore. I hate wasting time Isah, I prefer to get shit done. I get shit done and you are wasting time, I shouldnt have to prove I fucking love you".

"You know that shit, your in my blood Isah but dont expect me to bleed for you" I announce, staring at his back.

He turns around and stares back at me "Are you telling me the truth?" he asks, his eyes slightly widened.

"Isah, I....It's hard...shit, Nolan was my first love, that's hard to let go of. I thought I was in love with him but I'm not....I'm in love with you and I'm so sorry for all the pain I allowed you to endure-" I sit up on my knees, his entire upper body is turned to face me, I cup his cheeks my eyes staring into his melancholy but beautiful ones "You are perfect- and if you think I wont rip the head of any girl who dares be with you now, you obviously don't know me well enough.".

I bring my lips closer to his, he seems mesmerised "I'm so sorry for everything and if I have to spend the rest of my mediocre life without you proving that. You damn straight I will." I murmur, I rub my nose against his cold one the droplets of rain drop from his hair rolling down his forehead I see everything in HD as if Isahiah has made everything wrong with me right.

It clicks, everything works.

The sound of the rain hitting my window is ignored, the sound of my old house creaking is dismissed.

Just us.

Me and Isahiah in this moment.

"I fucking love you." I admit confidently, I love him and nothing will change that. Nothing. No Nolan, no mother demanding I pick a better suitor. No-one. Just us.

He sighs "Shit, finally." he murmurs, crashing his lips to mine I drop back onto the bed because of the force of his kiss. I laugh, his face pushes into my neck his tongue swiping out and licking my jugular "I hated acting hard to get, but a man has to keep his respect.".

I breath a sigh of relief "I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry." I tell him wrapping my hand in his hair and pulling his face to me, I press kisses to his nose, his cheeks, his chin "Sorry, I wont ever pull that shit again. It's nothing like being with click...make get that?" I ask raising an eyebrow, its hard to explain but Isahiah makes it work for me.

Isahiah grins, he pretends as if he has long locks flicking them over his shoulder "That's because I make sense." he sighs.

I grin, laughing in delight. Finally, I have him.

I pounce on him, the mattress creaks as I squeeze a hug out of him. Is this real? Is this real? I keep repeating pressing kisses to his face.

"You kill me." he whispers, his hands run through my hair.

I wrap my legs around his waist "Oh baby you just wait and see." I murmur, closing my eyes losing myself in him.


I'm sweating.

I'm sweating.

Shit, I'm hot.

I open my eyes, rubbing them, god I'm tired.

Isahiah crushes me, his entire body is heavy weighing me down. 

I smile, but then my bladder calls and I push him off, "Ouch!" he sneers his eyes opening momentarily before slipping back shut.

"Suck it up Princess.".

I shower quickly, 

The radio that was on low is turned up, Nicki Minaj is playing.

I grin at Isahiah who looks absolutely handsome.

Custard comes bounding into the room, yelping and barking "This is our Jam." I tell Isahiah tightening my towel around my body.

Isahiah's light brown hair – which often has me questioning if his hair is dictated by the lighting. 


It is.

His head rests on a thick arm, green eyes scan me up and down as he grins, the sheet is wrapped around his waist like I want to be.

"LET IT SOAK IN, LIKE SEASONING!" I sing off key, "Tell em bitches blow me," I grin at him as I crawl towards him.

"Ah, ill blow something." he tells me.

I roll my eyes crawling off the bed "You ruined the moment," I say holding up a flat hand.

I drop the towel and hear Isahiah suck in a sharp breath, I roll my eyes changing into my PJ's.

"PJ's?" Isahiah questions.

I nod picking up my wet towel and dropping it into the washing box, "It's Sunday, I usually make a feast....Netflix and chill."

A mischievous look gleams in Isahiah's eyes as he sits up pulling down the sheet showing me all his glory, I bite my lip.

"We know what netflix and chill means....realllllyyy.." he sings, jumping up he pulls his trousers up "I'm going to get into my....PJ's" He sings, winking.(I know ya'll have dirty ass minds so I threw that in for all you pervs- check out Rivers book by the way and;)

He runs out the room and I look out my window as I dry my hair to see him heading to his house, the floor is still wet from the thunderstorm last night- the weather is damp and I almost puke I hate the current weather.

"Isah!" I yell resting against the window sill, he stops turning around his hands clutching his trousers.

Miss Mathers an elderly lady is walking across the road staring at Isahiah with a frown "show me your hands!" I yell.

He does as told. The last thing I hear before his angry growl is a shocked gasp from Miss Mathers, I slam down the window.

I grin, he just showed the world more than his hands.

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