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Beomgyu had loved Taehyun for YEARS.

Taehyun hadn't even spoke to Beomgyu ever yet somehow love fell into Beomgyu's heart for Taehyun.

Love, is a very strong feeling. It can drive you to do many things just for that person you love.

And let's just say, this feeling drove Beomgyu into murder...


Beomgyu had just finished cleaning up another dead body.

Yes, he was a killer, just for his beautiful Taehyun.

Beomgyu opened his shrine of Taehyun and smiled, he traced his finger down one of the pictures he had of Taehyun when he was in the boys locker room changing.

'Oh my lovely Tae, when will you notice me...?' He thought.

Beomgyu has loved someone before, they either left him or used him and in the end, they ended up dying due to Beomgyu's rage. He's never loved someone as much as he loved Taehyun though, he'd do anything for him.

Yet, they haven't ever spoke. So how exactly did Beomgyu ever fall for Taehyun? It was easy, he just followed him around all the time, even to his house.

And yes, Beomgyu was kind of a stalker.

Now how did murder fall into this lapse of love? Well, Beomgyu simply murdered anyone who hurt Taehyun and never his friends, at least not yet.

Anyone who's ever been too touchy with Taehyun always caused Beomgyu's suspicions to rise.

So of course, he's watched those people for a while JUST to make sure they won't get in the way of Beomgyu trying to get Taehyun to fall for him, at some point of course.

"You're seriously still keeping the shrine?" Soobin said. One of Beomgyu's best friends, also another murderer.

"Why not..? He's so beautiful, I can't let this go"

"Beomgyu suck it up, he's dead" Soobin sighed.

Oh did I forget to mention that Beomgyu had killed Taehyun? Yeah probably—

Now there's a new question, WHY in the hell did BEOMGYU kill Taehyun.

Another simple answer, it was the only way for them to actually be with each other, physically perhaps.

Taehyun always had a weird feeling from Beomgyu, but he seemed normal to everyone else.

Your normal innocent looking school boy.

Yet, little did anyone know, he had a knife up his sleeve.

There was one night where Taehyun had found Beomgyu disposing a body, and obviously, Taehyun wouldn't want to date a murder.

So of course, Beomgyu immediately killed him because Taehyun probably would've reported everything.

"Forever mine..."

What an interesting love story isn't it...?



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So haha- this is random

Hope you enjoyed <3333

~Dani <3


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