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Top: Yeonjun

Bottom: Beomgyu


It was a normal day for Yeonjun, he finally finished packing his stuff. Why you may ask? Well, his Mother and Father had passed away due to a car accident years ago and Yeonjun was stuck living on his own ever since the deaths of his parents.

He was only fourteen and soon to be fifteen. Yeonjun lasted well for the first three years, it was tiring but it was going well.

But as time passed it got harder for him to work, do school, and manage everything about the house and bills. Yeonjun at one point didn't have enough money to pay the rent of his home and got kicked out.

But, his best friend, Choi Beomgyu, being the kind hearted boy he is, asked Yeonjun to come live with him, he couldn't stand seeing his best friend end up living on the streets.

And since both are close, and even Beomgyu's parents know Yeonjun very well, they were fine with Yeonjun moving in.


"You could just live with me Junnie hyung!" Beomgyu beamed jumping up and down on his bed.

Currently the two were in Beomgyu's house in his room, Beomgyu was trying to convince Yeonjun to live with him.

Beomgyu didn't know what it was but he just loved the thought of his best friend living with him so much. They could cuddle any time, watch movies together as they usually do, and they could even go out on their usual hang outs like a walk in the park or going to a near by Cafe or going on a nice walk on the beach having fun with each other.

"A-Are you sure? Would your parents even be ok with it? I would just be a burden to you guys..." Yeonjun murmured that last part.

He was worried if he moved with them he would just be a burden to the Choi's and mess everything up.

"Yah don't worry! My parents love you and you know that!" Beomgyu said squishing his hyung's cheeks and giving him a hug afterwards.

"Well..I guess I could then. Aish, what would I do with you Beomie" Yeonjun said hugging Beomgyu back.

"You can't live without me" Beomgyu giggled as he ruffled Yeonjun's hair.


Currently the two boys were in Beomgyu's room together laughing and telling jokes. What both boys didn't realize that they were hugging each other yet Yeonjun was on top of Beomgyu.

After the two finished laughing they eventually realized their position.

Beomgyu's eyes widend and felt heat rise up on his cheeks. Sure they have hugged before but their faces weren't this close before. There noses brushed against eachother's and Beomgyu felt his heart beating faster every second of this moment.

"Hyung c-can you m-move back a l-little?" Beomgyu managed to squeak out.

"Hmm...no I like this position Beomie" Yeonjun said as he moved closer to Beomgyu's face.

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