Chapter 1

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Saturday. Finally, the weekend had arrived. That week couldn't have gone slower if it wanted to. But it was all worth it because today was the premiere of that new spy film everyone had been anticipating. T-dog hadn't been able to shut up about it while I really couldn't give a crap. But, as the good friend I am, I agreed to go see it with him, as did Tommy and Chris.

Felicia had to take a bit more convincing, but eventually agreed to go when T-dog promised to buy her chocolates after the film. When she turned away, I made a whipping gesture and T-dog gave me the finger.

I didn't even need to ask Stacey to come. She heard that we were making plans and decided to come with us purely because I was going. If Felicia has T-dog whipped, then I've got Stacey whipped, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I quickly got ready, scoffed down a bacon butty and set off. We agreed to meet outside the local pub just because it was nearest, although the real reason is because some of the regulars pity us and often offer to buy us a pint. Naturally, we're inclined to accept their generous offer. I mean, we were all 16, with the exception of Chris whom we still teased about being the youngest in our year.

We weren't yet old enough to buy our own alcohol so our only option was to get others to buy it for us. Nine times out of ten, it goes off without a hitch. The one time it didn't, we got so pissed off that we ended up throwing bricks through the windows. The owner didn't see us do it and we claimed that it was some other kids who scattered as soon as they'd finished throwing them. Luckily, he believed us and we got off Scot free.

"You took your sweet time!" Yelled T-dog when he saw me coming

"Sorry, your mum wanted me to spend some more time with her in bed. She sure is needy" I grinned

Watch it, Bennett" he hissed. "One of these days I'll wipe that grin off your face"

"Meanwhile I'll be wiping something else off your mum's face!"

T-Dog growled and leapt at me, but I saw it coming and stepped out of the way, leaving him to crash into a couple of bin bags left by the dumpster.

The rest of us roared with laughter. T-dog had split the bags open and was now covered in rubbish and an array of smelly, expired food and drink. It looked like he was about to throw up.

"What the fuck am I covered in?" T-Dog shrieked.

"That's what your mum said last night!" I roared.

"That's it! You're dead!"

Just as he was picking himself up, Felicia turned the corner.

"Tyrone, why are you still in bed? Don't you know we've got plans today?" She said mockingly.

T-Dog quickly jumped out of the rubbish, put his hand behind his head and smiled nervously at her.

"Of course I know baby, how could I forget?" He said nervously.

Felicia just rolled her eyes and looked at me "is this your doing?" Her eyes were like daggers.

"Hey, I didn't touch him! He did it to himself!" I proclaimed.

"You boys..." She sighed. "Where's Stacey?"

"She's on her way now, she just texted me and..."


The next thing I knew, I had been rugby tackled to the floor by a 5ft 4" blonde psychopath. Before I had time to speak, she thrust her lips onto mine and began snogging the hell out of me.

I did the thing I always do when she does this, keep my eyes wide open and start flailing my arms and legs like crazy. Always a sure-fire way to get a laugh out of people.

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