Chapter 4: Cognizance V2

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As of October 17, 2021, this chapter has been rewritten.

10 AM EST, 26th March 2025,

Washington D.C.

Situation Room, The White House.

In the Situation Room, President Potts is now in another meeting regarding the new war that the United States might get involved in.

And now, the situation has become even more complicated. The Indians.

While they are close allies with the British, issues have emerged because of the time difference. Because this is not the past version of the British, the seventy-year "Special Relationship" that was developed during the Cold War basically has been reset. The fact that the British Empire is still around, 'the' British Empire, obviously while they are American allies, they are obviously going to have issues with the British Territories, bringing back terrible memories.

President Emily Potts sat at the head of the table in the Situation Room, pondering the situation, while everyone assembled for the session.

"So, we have literal Nazis subjugating Europe under their evil empire, and you are telling me we cannot get involved?" Potts asked, surprised.

"Why can't we do it? They are busy killing innocent people and now you do not want to live up to the role of our country? We are the Bastion of Democracy. We have to get ourselves involved and free the people from the evil empires.!" Homeland Security Chief Jason Scorch said angrily.

"Again, calm down Scorch. We have a situation in our hands. We just found out that Guam is in this world as well, our Guam. But Hawaii is gone, as well as the rest of our bases." Chairman of Joint Chiefs Mark Monarch spoke up.

"With at least Three Hundred thousand Personnel are gone, with one hundred and fifty thousand troops just from Hawaii. Even though we had pulled out major deployments from the Middle East, this is a major blow."

"We have experienced soldiers in the Continent, but we would have to bring some back to utilise their experience. We can also bring in National Guard Units to reinforce units," Mark stated. "We might have to bring back the Daft to replace those numbers."

Laffey Lee, the Naval Secretary was given the opportunity to speak now, as he opened his Manila folder and showed a powerpoint of the numbers in the Navy.

"Our combat fleet faced its heaviest one day loss, with nearly sixty-five of our combat fleet just gone from the Light. That is about one-third of the fleet, mostly from Asia and Europe." Lee said as he put his folder down.

"However, the remaining navy ships are sufficient to take on the Germans if the historical records can be used as reference and contain the Japanese Navy. Even if we fast track the construction of more ships to replenish the losses, it would still take years." Lee finished stating his report as he waited for more questions.

Listening to the casualty numbers left an unsettled feeling in Potts' gut. On paper, under her administration, the largest military defeat has happened.

However, that has become some freak of nature or whatever that Light was. Replacing those losses is going to be hard. Right now she wishes she could bring back the Iowas if it was not for the fact they were decommissioned twenty-years ago and converted into museum ships.

"I understand Lee, then what about the Mothball fleet, we do have some carriers and other ships in it." President Potts asked in response.The Mothball fleet was a nickname for the US Navy's Inactive fleet, with ships being stationed to be used in any future conflicts. While they need to be refurbished, they still can be used.

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