Part 1

626 7 17

this is gonna be crap enjoy 

Izuku is a powerful ruler who took over when his father abandon the kingdom, with crippling debt (this hits to close to reality) this left Izuku lonely and angry, using that anger as determination, he is known as the "Black Widow". Why? Well Izuku married into powerful families then killed the king, gained the inheritance and left. (SAVAGE-) But he didn't care in his mind it was "kill or be killed" and in this world he sure as hell wasn't dying.


izuku walked down the corridors of his large yet empty palace listening to echo of his heals, the heals where a red and made him a bit taller, not to mention they where his mothers when she could fit into them. While Izuku was watching some of the palace children (Izuku allowed children in his yards because He loves children- duh) "My queen!!" Izuku turned his head to see a brown haired giggling witch running towards him, it seemed she was going to run into him so he peacefully let her fall forward. "oof" 

Izuku: Ochako what have I said about running in the corridors? he said with a eyebrow raise

Ura: Well- It's just that- 

she began to studder off

Izuku: These are the royal chambers

Ura: Yeep! Sir you're doing it again She said with a nervous chuckle 

Izuku had a bad case of staring which can make anyone fearful because of Izukus enchanting eyes- literally. Izuku quickly blinked out of it "sorry Ochako, what was it" 

her smile returned and she quickly began to jump up and down "The ICE Prince is here! Aren't you excited?!"

 instead Izuku muttered under his breath "shit..." Uraraku being herself didn't hear and asked again "Are you excited?!" Izuku sighed and forced a smile "I'm shaking with anticipation, but do you mind rescheduling it?"

 He felt as if he was asking his mother to tell his friend that he can't hang out because he's... "Busy" Ochako stiffly chuckled "wellll, he-he's sorta kind of outside." She said winching knowing Izuku wasn't gonna like that. Izuku groaned knowing that if he told Shoto he wasn't interest that asshole'd freeze the crops. Izuku began to inhale and exhale, knowing that the winter would also be with him, (Anywhere Shoto goes winter follows) Izuku waved his hand in the air and said something in Latin, then his goddess flowy spring dress, turned into a Hooded cover with a turtle necked tight shirt underneath and connected to the hood was black, long, with fluffy rings around the arms dress. (WITH SHORTS UNDERNEATH HE AIN'T THAT FEMINENE HE JUST A QUEEN) 

Izuku walked down the hall huffing to Uraraka that he wanted to get this over with, before continuing he decided he wanted his beautiful phoenix with him to TOTALLY not scare the wintery soldiers off 

he snapped to get the birds attention. Nothing, so annoyed Izuku yelled "HAWKS" That made Ochako jump back a bit, it's rare to see a queen yell- but Izuku proceeded to clear his throat "come down here, and I'll let you have 5 bits." With in a flash a beautiful bird flew down and landed on his shoulder "took you long enough hawks"

Izuku signaled for the gate to open, and with that the marble gates opened revealing light what Izuku assumed, snow. which caused the Phoenix to take a fly to warmer areas

Izuku's POV

Oh for Christs sake, what am I his mother? He knows I'm gonna have to clean this up which even with magic is a bitch to clean up. 

"Shoto what do you need?" I say, walking back inside- It's to damn cold for that. I proceed looking at him to follow, He quickly follows after me 

I smirk to myself thinking like a dog on a leash if you put a treat in front of him  "Midoriya-" I snap my head back "Izuku." Shoto a bit annoyed said "Izuku you need to make the decision to reuniting our Kingdoms

god that's all this guy ever talks about I swear he's all like 'We should have Harmony all throughout the land- just like All might did!!' I let out a slight groan, and say "And how might we do that?" Shoto stopped right then and there, looking into the ballroom. 

I turned, and once I did I was dragged into the ballroom?! Let me tell you something you never NEVER drag a queen! 

Shoto didn't seem to understand that and pulled me into a (uncomfortable) dance position, "Midoriya- Izuku, I want you to be my Queen, We shall have the strongest Kingdom in the land! Stronger then my fathers!" 

I awkwardly laughed, this must be a joke me and him? Well he is powerful... But ugh he is to clingy and emo- not to mention I'd have to live in WINTER- HELL NO yet I do like the elder queen though she is kind. (Shotos mother)

"I'll uh think about it Sho, I must think though, you know I have a list of other kingdom suiters-" I say trying to tell him to fuck off. Instead I smile my generous smile telling him I have business to attend too 

"Ah. Please think it over Izuku darling (gross) I'll be waiting" He says giving me a suave kiss

As he left I rolled my eyes Looking at the thrown sitting up high, how the hell did mother do it.

Bakugou's POV (Yes finally) Katsuki was the prince of the Dragons, he was craved all over the land, but he could give a rats ass, he wasn't interested in "love" he was interested in adventure.

"KATSUKI GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" ah fuck what'd I do this time, I didn't set the dragons loose, welp It's my grave. 

"WHAT?!" I yell stomping down the big ass stairs, she looks at me with a smirk from the pretty big table and says "Good news brat, gossip says that That Izuku turned down Shoto!" 

Though this did bring a smile to his face because of his hatred for the Ice King-prince he didn't know why this concerned him "And that means?" Mitsuki frowned "You'll have a better chance with Izuku dumbass." 

"WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT A CHANCE WITH HIM?" I mean if I wanted I could totally make him swoon, everyone always wanted a chance with him even Kaminari being the dumbass he is said he'd smash. 

Mitsuki got up and said "1 HE'S BEAUTIFUL AF 2 FUCK YOUR BULL CRAP AND 3 THEY GOT THE MONEYZ" bakugou groaned thinking about his plan to adventure is Dead... Along with his eardrums. Then an Idea grew in his head (Author-Kun here: FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER~) "If I go towards their Kingdom and began "talk" with Izuku... Can I travel their by foot through the woods?" His mom looked at him confused 

"Why not take the dragon?"- (kirishima in the background be like: (☞゚ヮ゚)☞)

"BECAUSE HE'S AN IDIOT-" I'm not joking when I told him we where training.. THIS DUMBASS SAID no habla inglés AND RAN-

"Well then you may start your journey- just be careful your my only brat and though you're a lil shit.. Your my lil shit" 

Thanks? Anyway I ran back upstairs and immediately got packing when out of the corner of my eye I see ugh raccoon eyes aka one of my lazy workers and she's smoking some weed or whatever "supppp" she slurs out "god if your gonna smoke do it in the dragons lair" she frowns and says "why you so salty-" I snap 

"YOU WANNA DIE?!" She looks at me and says "I mean.. no?" "then. Get. Out." before I could blow her ass up Sero runs in and saves her life "Sorry Bakubit- I mean Bakugou!" he quickly grabs her bridle style and runs off as she yells that she's a pretty princess now. God I can't wait to get outta here. With that I ran down told the hag Bye and ran through the town towards the woods imagining all the things I'd get to fight! As the tall woods where in front of my I inhaled and exhaled walking into the woods ready for anything.

LMAO THIS TOOK ME SO LONG- FINALLY GET TO WRITE SOMETHING ANYWAY I might write the next chap I know I could get it done but this took me forever- anyway thanks for reading I will continue even if people don't want me too because HAH SCREW HATE Byeeeeeee

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