the awkward meeting Part 2

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Lil catch up: Katsuki prepared to go on a Journey which his mother allowed as long as he traveled to Izuku's palace to whoa him- Btw he doesn't know what Izuku looks like or his name.

Katsuki's POV

I set off ready for anything like tch who in the hell would challenge me?! I begin running into the woods and exploring. Damn it's so nice out here, *snap* THE HELL WAS THAT?! I Turn around pulling out a sword ready to slice and dice

 but to my surprise a tall Weird haired prince lookin, dude walked out looking angry? "Who are you. Why are you not wearing a shirt."  Damn ok "I'm Katsuki Bakugou the prince of the Dragons and that's non of you damn business" he then looked at me angerly as if I just fucked his guy then married him. (coughs)

"Why are you in the direction of Izuku's palace?" ugh this guy asks to many questions. "I'm not, I'm just moving around.. Now you should F off before I move you outta my way" He just scowled back and walked back where he came from but not before saying "We don't like violent people in this territory.. My love-Izuku doesn't enjoy that behavior so do us both a favor. And leave" 



Jeez I've been walking forever... I might take a break right here I think to myself as I set up camp. Ugh I'm dirty as hell I think there should be a hot spring near here...

NO POV ((☞゚ヮ゚)☞☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

As Bakugou walked in the green and beautiful grass that was surrounded by flowers and trees, he came across a cave like area That seemed to be a hot spring, and he was pretty cocky in assuming that it was his GREAT sense of direction, when in reality it was a lucky pull at it. He quickly took the red ragged cape off and thought about if he should just strip entirely... But if that weirdo came back he'd see him naked, and if he's into that I'd have to kill 'em, he began to take his pants off just having his boxers on (He'll just let them dry over the fire) He was about to get in when he heard another person, he quickly ducked behind a bush prepared to stabbity stab while watching ready to strike.


But to Katsuki's surprise a greenette appeared his hair bouncing all over the place, except for the hair the was held back with a mix of flowers, but he moved his attention down (NOT LIKE THAT PERVS) he was mesmerized by him. he wore a swimsuit like thing except is wasn't like that it was bandages like the ones you use to bandage up, with a thin cover-up that looked a bit like lingering (ง •_•)-. then the boy began to speak "Finally some peace away from everything." Before diving into the spring like a GoDeSs. He came up and took a deep breath and began to float on the water humming while doing so.

Who is the heart throb? I mean I've seen a lot of cute guys and girls but his eyes are so kind and he is not to muscular but not to skinny he's just right... ok gotta impress him, Wait why am I obsessing over him, I gotta get him to obsess over me! And I know just how too.

Izuku POV

Finally away from shoto, god he's so clingy.. Well I can't blame him I was the first person to help him when his mother burned him, but we are 21! Please understand I ain't yo therapist. Suddenly I heard someone walk up "The hell.." I look behind me confused only to be met with red fiery eyed and Messy blonde haired guy. We awkwardly looked at each other before I remember I was only wearing bandages that didn't cover all my skin, it showed quite to much for my liking but I quickly covered myself feeling embarrassed.. Please don't be one of my subjects I prayed.. 

Bakugou POV

Well shit he was supposed to be flustered I mean DOES HE SEE MY ABS (I do and I'm not into that sir :>) but he did check me out and seem a bit confused "Move it or lose it" I said hoping he'd realize I'm a prince... HE'LL LOVE ME AND WE'D HAVE A WEDDING AND HE'D BE MY WIFE AND WE'LL- Ok To much "Move? heh this is my  hot spring" sassy... "pretty sure I can fit I say throwing my cape of revealing more skin. 

"Wh- WHERE IS YOUR SWIMSUIT?! and who are you? He seemed to quickly put his manner back together "I don't got any-" he asked curiously and untrusting "Who. Are you." Jesus didn't expect him to be so direct- "I'm katsuki Bakugou Prince of the Dragons." I expected him to faint at hearing prince but he seemed a bit taken back "Well Katsuki I'm Izuku Midoriya-" "To long." "I'm- sorry- what?" I shrugged and said "to long." He looked annoyed. cute "Your name is longer then mine." "And?" He hmphed seeming respectful of my truthfulness "I'll call you... Deku"

 (LMAO GOTTA MAKE IT A SHORT AS YOUR DI-) He snapped his head back "Fine bakagou." Wait... Baka=idiot.. "HAY IM NOT A BAKA" deku snapped back "Well I'm not a deku" . I'd call him Misato but I don't wanna weird him out.. "fine Koware.." he looks at me and shrugs smirking in the process "Well then Namaiki, we've seem to come to an agreement.  It'll do, It'll do, "so what are you doing in the forbidden forest?" (HARRY POTTOR DON'T SUE ME 😀) "Ah? Well I'm on an adventure" 



"Oh? Well the Kingdom of spring is coming up" Izuku said while sitting as far away as possible.. Not that he was grossed out it was just that him and this male he just met are in a pool with 90 percent of their clothing off. "Oh I know I was actually planning on meeting the Queen" Izuku coughed "Oh-? Why is that"  

 Katsuki looked over at the boy thinking I mean I was supposed to fall for that queen but, looking at the beauty with fear that the boy would tell the town "uh well I want to talk- abou-about Kingdom stuff, And plus a Koware like yourself shouldn't be worried about that!" Izuku giggled at the remark which caused Katsuki to stare at him "What?... Is something wrong?" The boy asked clueless about his beauty when he smiled "Oh nothing, it's just.. Are you a flower nymph or something?" Izuku quickly was offended by the remark "Excuse me?" Katsuki notices the boys sweet smile turn into a deadly glare "I am not a nymph of any sort."  

Oof- he fucked up "Ok ok- Then what are? More or less who are you?"  expected to hear village maiden but instead he heard "I'll show you." Katsuki Kinda started to be worried- not that he would tell him that- but that what if this was something... Dirty.?


J O I N   U S   NE X T    E P IS O D E    A S     K A T S U K I   Q U E S TI O N S    H IS   L IF E   CH O I C E S


whadda mean it's copyrighted- oh-


In all seriousness thank you everyone who's been reading this it meant a lot to me to see 30 views (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ and with those reads I decided not to drop this story and continue it... Until I'm satisfied :> until next time my frens

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