Chapter two

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Flora stared at the ceiling as she lay restless in her bed. She had gotten no sleep that night as her mind had been running rampant with thoughts of her father's violent nature. After a few long minutes the sound of her Hello Kitty alarm clock seemed to echo throughout the suffocatingly silent room.

Quickly Flora jumped out of bed and ran to her closet to retrieve her uniform. She slowly removed her pink floral print pajamas revealing many bruises and cuts before slipping on her uniform which consisted of a white t-shirt tucked into a knee-length forest green skirt. Next she put on the matching forest green vest and tied the black cord that went under the color of the t-shirt into a bow near her neck. White knee-high socks and black flats completed the ensemble.

Once she was finished dressing, Flora ran to her dresser to brush her long brown hair that had two lighter streaks that framed her face. Next she began applying make up, opting for rose pink lipstick and lavender eye shadow. Shifting through the jewelry that lay spread out on her dresser she chose a slim silver bracelet and matching hoop earrings to accessorize her uniform.

Slowly Flora walked to the far corner of her room to retrieve her backpack before exiting her bedroom. She put the backpack on as she carefully descended the stairs leading to the living room. Fortunately her father had already left for work meaning that she wouldn't have to worry about a beating before school. Deciding that she wasn't hungry, Flora skipped breakfast and rushed straight out the door.

Alfea High was only a few blocks away from Flora's house and though she had left home with plenty of time she still ran as fast as she could to get there. She reached the campus within about five minutes and began ascending the stairs leading up to its entrance. Unfortunately she stumbled over something and fell right into some one.

"I'm sorry!" Flora exclaimed, looking to the person she had fallen on. As if to add to her misfortune the person she had knocked over was none other than Darcy, one of the meanest girls at Alfea.

"Watch where you're going, loser!" shouted the green haired girl as she rose to her feet and dusted herself off, "People are walking here you know!"

"There's no need to be so mean to her, Darcy!"

Flora looked to the source of that last remark. Now standing beside her was a red haired girl who was staring at Darcy with angry blue eyes.

"It was clearly an accident so your rude remarks were unnecessary," said Bloom as she crossed her arms.

"Whatever. I don't have time to deal with you two right now. I have t meet Riven inside," Darcy said before walking away.

"Are you okay?" asked Bloom, helping Flora back to her feet.

"Yes," Flora replied nervously, "Thank you, Bloom."

"No problem!" the redhead replied with a friendly smile.

"Hey Bloom!" a voice called from a short distance away.

"Be right over, Stella!" Bloom yelled recognizing the voice, "Let's talk later."


"See ya!"

Flora watched as Bloom ran over to two other girls who were smiling at her. Stella was stunningly beautiful with long golden hair and brown eyes. She was the most popular girl in school, head cheerleader, and not to mention she was dating Brandon- captain of Alfea's basketball team.

Standing to Stella's left was another girl. She had dark skin, long brown hair, and green eyes. Her name was Layla and she was the captain of the swim team and the tennis team. She was also dating a guy named Shawn who was a talented all-around athlete.

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