Chapter twelve

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Quick go through the window everybody, now! They all quickly stepped through the window except for Flora. Her father walked into the kitchen. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school? No sir, we were allowed to leave early today. Flora lied.

You are a horrible liar, you know that? Now... WHY ARE YOU HOME. Everybody was listening under the window while chills went down their spines. I-i'm sorry, Flora cried out. But i thought that if i would go to school then everybody would notice my bruises. Wait, wich bruises? Riven asked confused. And why is she crying? We'll explain later okay? Right now we need to get Flora out of here.

Flora's father searched agressively for some stuff in the kitchen cupboards. He pulled out a cup and he then filled it with water, but only half of the glass. He filled the other half with some sort of weird stuff he grabbed out of his bag. Here, drink this. W-what did you put into it? Thats not important, now drink it before i pour it down your throath. Flora grabbed the cup with shaking hands and she took one tiny sip from it. NO! DRINK IT ALL. Her father started to get angry because he ran out of patience. Flora then drank the rest of the weird mixture too. This is when they heard a knock on the door.

Helia stood in the opening of the door. Get out of here, Flora mouthed to him. Thats when she noticed the other guys in the bushes. Hey, what do you want? Are you here for my daughter? because she doesn't want to hang out with you. Not now, not ever. I am here for your daugther, i just need to speak to her. Where is she? That doesn't matter, now go away kid. Helia refused to leave. This is when Flora's father punched him in the face. And then in his chest. He started to beat him up completly.

DAD! STOP IT. Flora yelled on the verge of tears. This is when a police car arrived. The cops ran out of the car and they pulled Flora's father of Helia. DAD, HELIA! One of the cops started to walk towards Flora in an attempt to calm her down. GET AWAY FROM ME, g-get away. Flora sobbed. 

Helia got taken to the hospital and her father to jail. The others came running inside. Were sorry Flora but we couldn't watch you get hurt again, so we called the cops. Flora didn't respond, she just started to cry even harder. 

After about 15 minutes Flora was finally calmed down. Miss, can we ask you some questions now? Flora nodded no, not ready to talk about all of it. Thats okay just take your time.

Bloom walked to Flora to talk to her. Hey there, were really really sor- She stopped talked when Flora dropped to the floor. Guys! We have a problem, Flora just passed out. Thats when she noticed the bottle on the kitchen. With the liquid that Flora's father put in her drink. He wouldn't- No No No. The others signed for a paramedic to come in, while Bloom walked over to the kitchen. She is poisoned, she wisperd to herself. What did you say bloom? 

She is poisoned.

Authors note: wow i finally updated on time :0 I hope you guys like this chapter!

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