Chapter nine

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This was definitely not what Flora expected for her first time. I never should have gone with him upstairs, this is all my fault. She kept repeating to herself while Brody was unzipping his pants. When he came inside of her she screamed in pain, at least she tried. Because Brody kept putting his hand over her mouth. When he was finally done he quickly got dressed and left the room. Leaving Flora in some sort of shock state.

After about five minutes of calming herself down she got up and grabbed her clothes. She put on her pants when she heard someone knocking on the door. Go away! She yelled. It's me Layla, i saw Brody leaving from here. Are you okay? Flora quickly put on her top and her sweater, ignoring her question. If you don't answer i'm coming in okay? Flora still didn't answer so Layla stepped inside the room.

It didn't took her long to realize that something was very wrong here. The tears on her friends cheeks, the blood on the bed. Flora? What happend? Did Brody do this to you? Flora silently nodded her head. Can you tell me what happend? At this point stella came into the room too. She heard the conversation they had. Do you want me to send everybody home? Flora stayed silent. I'm taking that as a yes. Everybody, party is over! Time to go home stella yelled as she walked downstairs.

It didn't take everybody very long to leave. After about ten minutes everybody was gone except for Bloom, Stella, Layla, Tecna, Musa and the guys. They all sat down next to Flora in the room. So girl, what happend? Stella asked her. Flora nodded no, as in that she didn't want to talk about it. Look Flo, we want to help you but we can't help you if you don't tell us what happend. Layla said to her softly. She then started talking.

So i didn't drink that much, i swear it. But i have never been to a party before so one drink was already too much for me. I then felt really dizzy and this guy came up to me. He asked me if i needed to lay down and i said yes. He then carried me into this room and he closed the door. He started to take mine and his clothes off and when i realised what he was going to do it was already too late. And then he... he... Flora's voice cracked and she started crying while she tried to tell them. Shh it's okay, we get it.

After calming Flora down Musa pointed out that Flora's arm was bleeding. Shoot Flora thought, it must have been one of the old wounds that opened up because of how ungentil Brody was. Let me take a look at that, can you take your sweater off? Bloom asked her. Flora nodded no. But i need to see your arm if i want to help you sweetie so you need to take it of for a second okay? Bloom said while pulling it off. They all gasped when they saw all the bruises. Did Brody do this too? Layla said. Flora nodded no. Then who did this? Flora refused to answer, not wanting to upset the girls even more. Also she didn't want them to get involved with this.

I can't tell you, it will get you guys in trouble. She said. Thats okay, just tell us anyways. Musa said. Flora started explaining how her father abused her at home and how this has been going on for years. They all listend quietly. We need to call the police flora, this is not okay. Bloom told her. No, we can't my father will punish me if i do. Sweetie he can't punish you when he is in jail. Jail?? Flora didn't like the abuse but he was still her father, she can't sent him to jail. No no, we can't do that we can't send him to jail. Flora said as she ran away to the door. Flora wait! Layla yelled. No, you can't help me. It will get either me, you or my father in trouble. This is my problem, let me deal with it. Flora said as she walked away. Wait!! Layla yelled. Forget it, she doesn't wanna be helped sky said. Just leave her. We will talk to her tomorrow in class again okay? They all agreed.

Little do they know Flora wouldn't be coming to class tomorrow.

Authors note: Heyy, i hope you guys liked this chapter. I really did my best on it. Can you guys maybe vote/comment? It would help a lot! See you in the next chapter :)

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