Chapter 17: You & I

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      The ride home was quiet. I wasn’t sure if it was because no one knew what words would be appropriate to say after everything that had happened or if it was simply because we were all too exhausted to mingle. Either way, no one spoke. The only sounds to be heard were those coming from the truck’s engine.

     After a short while, Adam gently hit the brakes as he approached my driveway and slowly pulled in. Once we had reached the garage he put the truck in park and turned around to face Jacob and I who were sitting in the backseat.

     “Take it easy alright, both of you. And you call me if you need anything, got it?”

     Jacob nodded and thanked him for the ride and slowly got out of the truck and made his way towards the house.

     I just rolled my eyes at Adam’s over protectiveness, “Got it dad.” I picked up my jacket off the floor and smiled at him lightly, then leaned forward and kissed his cheek before following suit. “And thank you… for everything. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

     With that, I got out of the truck, closed the door behind me and followed Jacob into the house. Once we were both inside, he closed the door and locked it before pulling me into a tight hug and placing a kiss on the top of my head.

     Jacob’s silence led me to believe that there was something on his mind so without leaving his grip I raised my head to look up at his face. “What is it, Jacob?”

     He finally sighed before turning his face to me and speaking. “When you were unconscious… well we were all really scared and I don’t think that any of us knew what was going to happen,” he began, but then he paused as if he was unsure of how to word his next thought.

     “It just… It bothered me watching Kolton with you. It seemed like losing you wasn’t an option and even more so than that, it seemed like it was breaking his heart… Maybe I was imagining things, but I felt like I was looking into a mirror when I saw how much pain he was in and-”

     “Jake,” I cut him off before he could continue. I knew where he was going with this and there was no point in keeping it secret anymore. He would have figured it out eventually anyway.

     “You probably weren’t imagining things. Kolton and I have history… like a lot and I'm sure he would love for it to be more than that.” I licked my lips and looked down deciding how much to share then looked back into his eyes and knew that he deserved to know everything.

     I wiggled out of his strong grip and walked over to the couch with him in tow. We each sat down and I turned my body so that I was facing his and began explaining.

     “Listen, before I say anything, just know that I have a lot of skeletons in my closet and Kolton happens to be one of them. It wasn’t something that I planned to keep from you; I just wanted us to have a chance in the present before either of our pasts could get in the way, okay?”

     He nodded, signaling me to begin.

     “Kolton and I were really close friends growing up. Our dads were the alpha and beta in the pack, so naturally, our families were always together. Once we got passed the awkward coodies stage I think that we both realized that we cared for one another beyond just as friends, so we started dating. I mean, at that point, we were only 15 and it was nothing serious, but it was the start of our romantic relationship none the less.”

     I sighed but continued my story. “The next year my parents died and his family took me in seeing as I had nowhere else to go and I wasn’t old enough to take care of myself. His being there for me through all of that really made a difference for me and our relationship grew a lot stronger because of it. A little over a year later his mom died from cancer and it was really hard for us all, but the whole time I felt like I was intruding on his family’s grievances. Plus, as selfish as it might sound, after losing my own mother I really couldn’t go through that again so I moved out and came here.”

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