Chapter 28: You Should Be Here

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I followed Emily into the house where she handed me a fresh change of clothes which I gratefully accepted. She led me to the bathroom where I was able to get dressed and when I exited the small room, the smell of fresh cooked food hit me like a ton of bricks. Almost instantaneously I felt, and heard, my stomach produce a loud grumbling noise. My hand shot to my stomach in an attempt to quite the noise, but it was no use. I looked around embarrassed by the obnoxious sound that had just come from my body, but Emily just smiled at me and handed me a plate. "You must be starving, help yourself to as much as you'd like. After dinner I will show you to your room."

I gratefully took the plate from her and thanked her for her hospitality. I served myself generous portions of food before taking a seat at the long table that was set in the dining room. Shortly, I was surrounded by a group of boys who had occupied the remaining seats around the table.

Based on Jared and Paul being among the group and the striking resemblance that they all shared, I assumed that this was the pack that had earlier caught me trespassing.

Sitting to the left of me was a boy who appeared a bit younger than the rest. I glanced over at him and caught him smiling at me. I gave him a small smile in return, which must have been the only encouragement that he needed for he immediately began to talk. In the span of about three minutes, I had learned all about this boy, Seth and his sister Leah and their life on the reservation. He also managed to tell me about one of his best friend who he hadn't seen in a while, but he was convinced that we would make a great couple and promised to introduce us if he ever got the chance, but was then shushed by Sam before he could say any more.

I smiled gratefully at Sam and finished eating my food. Once I had cleared my plate, I carried it into the kitchen and began to help Emily clean up, despite her protests; however, I assured her that it was the least I could do in return for her and Sam's hospitality.

By the time we had finished cleaning up, the sun had gone down and the boys had all vacated and returned to their own homes. Leah put the last plate away then turned to face me. "You must be exhausted. Why don't I show you to the guest room?"

I smiled at her and nodded. She was right, I was exhausted and it was starting to hit me more and more by the second.

She turned and gestured for me to follow her as she made her way up the small staircase. Once at the top she turned into the first bedroom on the right. I followed her into the bedroom, it was small and simple, only holding a twin-sized bed and dresser, but I didn't mind at all.

I walked further into the bedroom and turned back to look at her as she was closing the door. "Emily," I called out to her. She stopped and peaked her head back in with her eyebrows raised, waiting for me to continue. "Thank you, again, for everything."

She gave me a soft smile before walking into the bedroom and wrapping me into a warm hug. "No need to thank me. Sam told me everything that you've been through and it just wouldn't have been right for us to not help you... I know that you are anxious to be on your way, but just know that you are more than welcome to stay as long as you'd like. It'd be nice to have another female around for once. Leah doesn't really count."

I giggled at her words and thanked her once more before she exited the room and I made my way over to the small bed. I hadn't been in bed for more than a minute before a deep sleep came over me and for the first time since he left, I dreamt of Jacob.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *   

I awoke in the morning to a light knock on the door. I quickly rolled out of bed and walked over to the door which I cautiously opened. Emily stood on the other side dawning her ever-present, welcoming smile. "I'm sorry to wake you, Scarlett, but Sam asked that I let you know that he has set up a meeting with the vampires. Can you be ready in an hour?"

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