Chapter 6

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John awoke to Sherlock thrashing about.

He immediately jumped off the bed to see what was the matter.

Sherlock was sweaty, his face pale. In his sleep, he kept yelling, "NO, JOHN! NO! STOP! NO, JOHN! NO!" and so on. John knelt down at his bedside and gently shook Sherlock awake.

"Sherlock! Wake up! I'm here Sherlock, I'm right here!"

Sherlock awoke, still thrashing a bit, but then ceasing. He sat up, held John's face in his hands, and hugged him so tightly.

John hugged him to let Sherlock know that he was there. That he'd always be there.

"Sherlock," John pressed softly, sitting next to him on the bed. "Tell me about it."

"It was the nightmare, the one where you fell also, but it keeps getting clearer. It keeps getting harder to wake up from it. I'm scared, John," Sherlock's voice shook.

John straightened at looked at Sherlock lovingly. He said in his soldier-voice that he knew Sherlock loved, "Listen Sherlock. I am here. I will always be here, by your side, forever. There is nothing that could separate us, ever. If you have any more nightmares, I'll wake you up. I'll stay up all night if I have to."

Sherlock's face was filled with pure gratitude. "Thank you, John. I, I love you. So much." John said he loved Sherlock too as Sherlock pulled him back onto the bed. He wrapped around his blogger, holding tight so that nobody could ever steal John from him. They both fell asleep again.

{Time Lapse}

Sherlock awoke at dawn, as he always does. He first made sure that John was tucked tightly in his arms, which he was, and then looked at his soldier, his doctor, his saviour. John's face looked so beautifully peaceful that Sherlock determined under no circumstances would he wake him up. He, very gently, slipped his arms from under John and climbed out of bed. He dressed and left a note for John to read, then headed out the door.

John woke up about an hour later. His first instinct was to panic, because Sherlock was gone, but then he found the note that had been taped to the door.

'Getting you a surprise. You looked too cute, so I couldn't wake you. Be back soon. -SH (xoxo)

John laughed out loud at Sherlock's note. Sherlock was the cute one, not him. He tucked the note into his pocket and trudged into the kitchen, where he opened the refrigerator. He moved the bag of frozen ears and found the milk behind it. John poured himself a glass and sat down to watch the morning telly. After only about a few minutes, John became bored of the telly and went to take a shower. After he was showered and dressed, he checked his phone. There was a message, from Sherlock's phone, that he had received just five minutes ago.

John's eyes widened as he read the text message.

'Goodbye, John. -SH'

No, this was not happening. This could NOT be happening. Out of desperation, John called Sherlock's phone, hoping to God that Sherlock's voice would be on the other end.

A very unfamiliar voice answered the phone. "Hello, John?" the friendly female voice said.

"What have you done with Sherlock? Where is he?" John asked frantically.

"Don't panic, John. I'm his nurse, Mylinda, and he's in the hospital. We're taking care of him now. Come down to"--here she said an address, that John quickly wrote down--"and I'll explain what happened, okay?"

John said his thanks, grabbed his coat, and bolted out the door.

(Time Lapse)

As soon as John rushed into the hospital, he was met by Mylinda. She sat him down and offered him coffee, which he declined.

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