Chapter 12

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A small knock sounded at the door as Molly and Lestrade arrived.

Sherlock, to their surprise, was smiling when they entered.

He kissed Molly on the cheek and patted Lestrade on the back. "Do come in and sit down," he said.

"What's the matter, Sherlock? Did someone get murdered HERE?" Lestrade asked.

"No, of course not. I don't look THAT happy, do I?"

Lestrade laughed. "Anyway, where's ol' Johnny boy?"

John walked in at that moment, his hands crossed behind his back.

"'Ol' Johnny boy?'?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. "Anyway, um, there is a reason we asked you here. Sherlock?.."

Sherlock smiled nervously. "Um.. Well...oh, I don't know what the hell I want to say." He grabbed John's left hand and showed Lestrade and Molly.

They gasped, jumping up. "You're bloody engaged?!" Lestrade excitedly yelled. Molly had her hand over her mouth.

"Yes, we are." John said, smiling.

Molly and Lestrade hugged them both. "Oh, I'm so happy for you too, you guys are so cute." She said happily. Lestrade said he felt the same way.

"Thank you," Sherlock asked. "Umm, Lestrade, could I see you alone for a second?"

"Of course." They both headed into the kitchen.

John was on the couch with Molly. "Umm, Molly?"

"Yes, John?"

"I know there isn't exactly a bride in the wedding, and um, so that means that a matron of honor would usually not be there, Molly, could you be my--?"

"Of course, John," Molly said, understanding what John meant. "Thank you so much. It means a lot."

John gave Molly a side hug.

Meanwhile, Sherlock was in the kitchen with Lestrade. He was doing unnecessary things, such as taking the milk out of the refrigerator but putting it back in. He ruffled his hair and looked Lestrade in the eyes. "Um, okay, so John and I are getting married as you know, and, it would be an honour if you, um, would be my best man."

Lestrade's face filled with surprise, he asked "Really, Sherlock?"

"Yes, Graham. Now I know you're going to hug me, so let's just get this over with."

Lestrade hugged Sherlock tightly, and Sherlock smiled a bit.

They both went back into the kitchen, and Sherlock noticed the happy look on Molly's face. He realized what John had done.

"Is she your..?"

"Yes. And I presume that Greg accepted..?"

"Yes, Gerald will be my best man."

John snorted. He kissed Sherlock on the lips, getting an "Oooh" from their guests.

John then got up and made dinner, Sherlock trying to help, but just making a huge mess of it. They were laughing loudly from the kitchen, and Lestrade and Molly laughed even louder watching them.

Molly and Lestrade hadn't told the boys that they were dating.

(A/N: OOOOH! Mestrade! Or Lolly? Whatever, you decide. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed! I'm thinking 4-5 more chapters until the end of the story. There will be plenty of twists and turns, so be ready! I love you all! xx)

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