Prologue/sneak peak

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It was a cold night on July 31st, 1980 the followers of Voldemort felt there dark mark burn but only a select few knew why. Still all of his loyal death eaters apparated there for fear of his wrath.

When they were all gathered together Voldemort signaled the select few who knew what was happening to go upstairs.

He then turned to his remaining followers and said "I see you all came even with no idea what was going on. Dismissed." And within fifteen seconds they were all gone.

Voldemort quickly walked up the stairs in Malfoy manor to the room were Severus Snape, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, and Bellatrix Lestrange were gathered.

"I assume you have the hair?" Voldemort asked them and in reply they nodded their heads. Voldemort stuck his hand out sharply and in 43.07563680646885457985336888543589865446789995465325787908789977867857975886785896887896323158093368 seconds in his hands were the hairs of Lily Evans-Potter, Severus Snape, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Armando Dippet, a vampire werewolf hybrid, an elderly veela, Albus Dumbledore, and some of his nose hair.

Voldemort quickly threw all of the hairs into the pot which immediately started bubbling and with a bang, exploded. Suddenly there was the sound of babies crying.

One was a little blond boy who favored the Malfoy look with his pale hair and grey eyes. The other child was a little girl who's hair kept changing colors from brown to blonde to black to auburn back to brown and since she was crying her eyes were closed so they didn't yet know her eye color.

After hearing his sister cry the little boy joined in. They cried for hours upon hours.

After they were both asleep, everyone except Voldemort was gathered downstairs.

"Well what do we name them?" Snape asked in his usual drawl, trying to break the awkward silence. But when all eyes Snaped (sorry couldn't resist) upon him he regret his decision. Still he continued and said "They need names. I thought of Sapphire for the girl."

Narcissa decided he shouldn't suffer alone and said "perhaps Draco for the boy" rather nervously.

Without their knowing Voldemort had returned and he heard the whole conversation. Suddenly he swept down and said "those are decent and original names so we shall use them. Draco and Sapphire Riddle- Dumbledore-Delacour-Dippet-Marsay-Malfoy-Potter-Evans, it is."

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