"Ah a festival! How lovely! Oooh! This is the one where people give flowers to those they love right? Anyone you love? Teehee?" Chester beamed putting his arms behind his back.
"Ooohh! Ohhh! Paimon wants to know to! We've traveled a lot and got to know a lot of folk. Paimon doesn't think Aether has found anyone he likes, but maybe Paimon is wrong." Paimon explains looking excitedly.
"I.... well... there are a few..." Aether turns red.
"A few?!? You mean more than one!" Paimon gasped covering her mouth.
"Ahaha single love is so fun! Ah love is the most chaotic force of the all. Because not only does it come with its own serious of challenges and hardships alongide joy but it also gives one the most direction!" Chester chimed putting his hand on his chest as he smiled.
"Love is chaotic? Well I guess it can be. I mean look at Albert he tried to make a huge statue of Barba last year." Paimon explains.
"Ahahaha! Ah. How cute! Love is truly something else. Wonderer if you have anything to take away from my God's chaos let it be. The chaos of love that guides you to happiness. For love can move mountains and stop wars and more!" Chester laughed dancing a bit.
"Hmm..." Aether pounders that for a moment.
"Well! Don't just stand there! Tell Paimon who you like!" Paimon begged.
"Uh... I'll tell you one of three people I like." Aether smiled weakly as he blushed.
"You like three people and we only get to hear about one!" Paimon stops her foot.
"Ahaha if this too personal. Please allow me to leave you both. Oh... and even if the odds are against you. Please never give up on love before you have even tried. I will be going now." Chester bows and prances away
"Okay the bunny boy is gone! Quick tell Paimon the three people you like!" Paimon begged.
"Uh... I can't." Aether covers his face in embarrassment, "It's too embarrassing!" Aether cried.
"Hey let's go far away so no one can hear us okay?" Paimon puts her hands behind her back and smiled at him.
"There's one that I don't think I could tell you even if we traveled to the ends of the earth." Aether sighed clutching his chest.
"Because... There my.... biggest crush... no my first crush... I'm not ready to face them or even think about confessing. I don't care if they can or can't hear. I just can't." Aether sighed deeply and looks defeated.
"You must really like this person than! Paimon wants to help you! How about you give Paimon hints?" Paimon asked as Aether cups his chin considering it.
"Traveller! Paimon I'm back! I brought Jean!" Venti swooped down from a wall and glider over to them smiling.
Aether instantly stood straight, "Oh hey Jean!" Paimon waved.
"Hey you two." The girl with a blonde ponytail smiled at them as she puts her hand on her chest, "I heard you need a place to rest your heads. I apologize for not getting this done sooner. With every thing that's going on it was pushed to the side. It's unacceptable. Luckily we have a house all ready for you guys to move into." Jean explains happily.
"Oh wow that was fast. And don't worry we don't mind sleeping outside, but it would be nice to have a place to stay out of storms." Paimon explains floating side from side.
"Regardless as you are our honorary knight it would look extremely bad on us especially with your reputation of the late if folk saw you sleeping outside." Jean sighed.

A Traveler's Tale (Genshin Impact As Told by Me)
Fiksi Penggemar-on hiatus my inspiration has be all time low will put as complete for now- Aether and Lumine are traveling twins who have been to many worlds from many different time eras, upon one of their journeys together they are separated by an unknown god in...