Chapter one

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I walked over to my closet and grabbed a outfit and walked into my bathroom did my routine

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a outfit and walked into my bathroom did my routine

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I walked downstairs and I went to the kitchen and grabbed a apple and a bottle of water. I lived alone. I walked outside and started walking towards my work I worked at a cafe. I walked in and into the back and put on my apron.

I walked out and saw four boys walking in sitting at a booth. I smiled and walked over to them. Hi I'm Maddie what would you like. I say smiling. One looked at me and smiled. Coffee for all of us. He says smiling. Okay anything else. I say smiling. He shakes his head. Okay I will be back. I say walking away.

Colby POV

We all sat down and a girl walked over. Hi I'm Maddie what would you like. She says smiling. I looked up and saw a beautiful girl. I smiled. Coffee for all of us. I say smiling. Okay anything else. She says smiling. I shake my head. Okay I will be back. She says smiling and walking away. I want her she's mine we have to kidnap her. I say smiling. Yes sir. They say.

Maddie POV

I got started on the coffee. When I heard my ex boyfriend that works here and he abused me. Maddie hey hot sexy girl. He says smiling and grabbing my ass. Stop. I say nervous and quietly. He got frustrated. He grabbed my hair and threw me to the ground. I started crying. He kicked me in my spot. I started crying even harder. Than I felt a burning liquid spill on me. It was the coffee.

Colby POV

I started talking with the boys when I heard someone screaming and getting thrown to the ground. I looked around and I knew it was Maddie. A walked out and smiled. That bitch. I say. I punched him we were fighting. I looked behind him and she ran out of the cafe crying. Follow her. I yelled at the boys. They nodded.

Maddie POV

I cried even harder. I ran out and down the street where my house was. I opened my door and I walked in and I walked upstairs and walked in the bathroom and I saw bruises and I saw cuts. I cried quietly. I walked out and to my room and I grabbed a outfit and put it on.

I sat down on my bed and cried

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I sat down on my bed and cried. I don't want to ever go back outside. I say quietly. He probably is going to kill me.

I cried quietly I grabbed a book and started reading. I put on music. I fell asleep while reading.

Colby POV

Hey we can't find her. Sam says. Are you serious. I say mad. He nodded. Look in the files in the bosses office and find hers. I say mad. He walked in the room and started looking. I found it. Jake says. It's just down the street. He says smiling. Let's go. I say serious.

Maddie POV

I woke up and I walked downstairs and I walked in the kitchen and I made a salad. I started eating when I heard footsteps coming from the living room. I looked around and I saw the four boys. I looked at them scared. I dropped my bowl and it shattered and I ran I slid down on the ground and got a piece of glass stuck on my arm and leg and foot. I started crying. I tried to move but it hurts so much. One picked me up and carried me out to a car. I screamed in pain. It hurts. I say crying. One of them had gloves on he grabbed bandages. He tried to touch me. But I kept moving. Hold her down. He says mad. Two of them held me down. He started pulling out the one on my foot. I screamed crying. Stop. I say crying. He holds down my foot and pulled out the piece of glass. I started crying uncontrollably. He wrapped up my foot. He moved up to my leg. I started crying even harder. They held me down on the seat and the boy started pulling out the piece of glass. I kept crying. Please stop. I say crying. He pulled out the glass and he grabbed the bandages and wrapped up my leg and the others sat me up and one held my arm out. Than the boy pulled it out and hurried and wrapped up my arm. I cried quietly. It's okay Maddie. They said. I don't want to die. I say crying even harder. Shh..... it's okay your not going to die. One says. I nodded and calmed down. I rubbed my eyes. Are you tired. One says. I nodded. We are almost there. He says. I laid my head down on his lap and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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