The Beautiful Stranger

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I'm the only one who can handle your kind of power

The deep and wispy voice declared as flashes of Jasper could be seen making her way towards Lapis.

It will be better this time, I've changed! You've changed me!

"" Lapis muttered as she backs away from the desperate, power-hungry gem.

Let's be Malachite again

The voice echoed loudly as the gem drops to her knees as if she were proposing to Lapis. The blue gem looked back at Jasper, terrified and speechless. Her heart rate starts to rise and her body becomes drenched in sweat.

Jaspers grip tightens on her hand as she starts to drag Lapis back into the ocean. This put her into shock.

"NO!" Lapis crises loudly as she bolts up from her bed.

Her breathing is rapid and her body is shaken as she looks around only to realize that it was all just a dream. Lapis calms herself with a deep breath and a sigh of relief. She looks to her left and saw that Peridot's bed was empty, this made her feel down a bit.

"I guess she still hasn't come home from work" Lapis mumbled to herself as she heard the barking of her beloved pet Pumpkin.

The adorable little fruit jumped on her bed and started to brush up against her. Hoping his loving affections would calm her down. Lapis smiles as she gave Pumpkin a gentle pet.

"Aw thank you Pumpkin...but I don't think I can go back to sleep... I'm going to take a quick fly" Lapis decided as she got out of bed, opened the door to the balcony, sprouted her wings, and looked back to Pumpkin.

"Don't worry I won't be long" she assures the pouting fruit.

With that, she sprung into the air and started her flight. By this time it was around midnight and it was a full moon, the town was lit up by its amazing glow. It looked absolutely peaceful.

After about five minutes into her flight, she turned her head to the beach and noticed something odd. A shadow figure was standing near the water's edge. Curious and concerned Lapis decided to go and check it out. As she landed quietly onto the sandy beach Lapis could see that it was a human, however, this human looked unfamiliar.

The human had (y/h/c) hair that flowed through the nighttime breeze, and it was like watching delicate silk strands dance. Upon the body was a (y/c) short, chiffon dress that complemented the skin. The moonlight made the human's skin glow and the eyes sparkle like the stars above.

As Lapis got closer she could identify that the human was indeed a female and it was you. Taking a step into the water you let out a soft sigh, feeling the pleasure of the water on your feet. This made the blue gem very intrigued then the next second she felt scared for you. The water to Lapis wasn't a safe place.

"Don't" she muttered, reaching her arm out to you.

Once the gem realized she spoke Lapis covered her mouth to silence herself. However, the voice already caught your attention.

"Who's there?!" You turned around quickly to see an all-blue person standing about a couple of feet away from you.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you," Lapis said a bit flustered.

"It's okay but why did you say don't?" You wondered curiously.

Lapis started to feel her pulse quickening and her nerves in over-drive as she was trying to think of an excuse. So far, nothing could really come to mind.

Lapis x Reader: Riding the WavesWhere stories live. Discover now