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Belle sat on the corner of Harry's large bed, engulfed by the thin towel. It was the only thing that covered her. Her eyes lowered to the floor, empty. Harry stared at her, her physicals were getting so mature, no more childish figure. A glimpse of hope and innocence radiant from her rosy cheek, but her fragrance was fading.

Her sweet vanilla fragrant.

"Harry," she called. He hummed as it caught her attention, finally looking him in the eye. She adjusted the towel. "Why did you... why wouldn't you hurt me?" She breathed. She did not sound as if she was scared, she just wanted to know.

He frowned. Why would she think such? "What do you mean?"

"I am vulnerable now," her voice cracked. "Don't you want to rip this towel and take me? Don't you want to rape me then kill me?" She stood up from the bed. The scar on her knee was cleaned but it was still stinging yet at the moment, she stood there, oblivious to her pain.

"Why would you think I'd do that?"

"Because, you're a murderer, a rapist!" A tear escaped from her right eye. "I knew you killed Maria, I knew you killed all of the people in town!" She breathed a while, realizing her heart was pounding. "You're a heartless monster! You almost killed Uncle Thomas!"

Harry stood up from his chair, and that had caught her off guard. His heart ached more, he didn't want her to be scared of him, not from all the lies she was spouting from her own lips. He had never done anything she had said. Killing, raping, he would never do a thing. The girl from before was simply from role-playing, but he didn't know how to explain that to her. Over all, he would never hurt a fly.

Harry stepped forward, making her jolt back as her heart thumped. He approached her slowly until she fell back on the bed. She couldn't stop her tears. She didn't know where her courage went, she was scared being hovered by the tall man.

"Shh," Harry kneel down before her, not wanting to intimidate her with his height. She looked down to him as she felt a little eased yet she was still breathing heavily. Her eyes were red from her tears.

"Are you going to kill me now?" she almost stuttered, her voice as low as a whisper. She swallowed the saliva that was left in her mouth to her throat. Her lips were very dry.

"I won't" he finally sighed, not knowing what to explain to the young girl. "I wouldn't ever hurt you, Belle"


"I promise,"

"Why not?" she squeaked. "Why wouldn't you hurt me like you hurt others?" Harry eyed her. He never raped nor killed, but he had hurt others. He didn't know what to explain to her. "Am I not good enough?" she finally asked. Harry stayed silent as he looked at her. Irritated, she took off her towel to reveal her naked body. "Am I not good enough?" she asked again, her voice breaking.

Harry quickly turned away. He knew if he kept looking at her, he would lose his mind. "Belle, put your towel back on," he warned.

Her hands fell to her sides as she breathed out. "I'm not good enough." Her voice small and fragile.

"Belle, I said put your towel back on,"

"No!" She screamed. "Am I not beautiful, is that it? Is my body not as perfect as the other girls?" she tried pulling his face so he could look at her, stare at her, just to see his reaction but he just pushed her hands away. "Why won't you rape me? Hurt me? Why won't you even look at me?" She cried. Her small arms then were wrapped around his neck.

"Belle," he warned.

"Touch me, please," she cried. "Tell me I'm beautiful. Tell me I'm perfect. Tell me everything every girl wants to hear. Just look at me, look at me," her bare skin was touching against his clothed body so irresistibly as she begged.

The minute more of her embrace would've made him go mad. He silenced her by wrapping her with the towel pooling around her waist. Dumbfounded, she pushed him out of the room and locked herself inside.

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