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I woke up with a killer headache. It felt like someone was hitting me with a truck repeatedly. I sat up slowly only making my head pound a little and then finally take in my surroundings. I groan as I look around the room and hold my head. I look around and it's a nice sized room. It was kind of messy. With some black jeans and other clothes and black vans plus my own on the floor. There were band posters on the wall and I knew some of them.

I sat up and realized I was in a over sized shirt with my bra and panties still on thankfully. I looked down beside the bed and see there is a trash can and also a nightstand with two aspirin and some water and a note. I picked up the note and it read:

Hey Malia,
I left you two aspirins and some water. The trash can is in case you get queasy again. Your at my house. The one I share with the boys. There's some food downstairs that me and the boys made.

I sigh and try to remember what happened last night. I sit up a bit to quick and soon regret it and hold my head in my hands. "Ok so I'm at Luke's house..." And then I look down. "What did we do?!" I whisper and jump up only to have to hold hold the bed and my head so I don't fall. I grab the medicine and glad of water and head downstairs. I walk follow the sound of voices until I find myself staring at the four guys I now call my new friends.

I stand there and the first one to look up is Michael. He looks surprised then smirks and elbows Luke's arm and slightly pointed in my direction, making him and the other boys look up at me. They all just stare like they were surprised to see me. I shyly started to shift from foot to foot and nervously playing with my hair. That's when I noticed that it wasn't in it my ponytail anymore and was slightly curly.

I go look at myself in the mirror in the hall and see that my hair was curly and I remembered I was still in only the tee shirt. I walked back over and hid behind the wall and peeked at them. "Sorry for my appearance..." I say and hide my face behind my hair blushing. Luke laughs and stands up walking over to me. "You look fine Malia." He says lifting my face up and smiles at me. Michael laughed. "You look more than fine. Your hot Mal." He says smiling cheekily.

I blushed more and rolled my eyes at him while laughing softly to not make my headache worse. "Oh hush Mikey.. but thanks." I say and then look up at Luke who was still standing in front if me smiling. "Come princess, I see you still have the medicine and water. So let's get you some food." He puts his arm around me and leads me into you kitchen. "Wait," I say as I stop him and pull him into hall way. "Whats wrong?" He asks concern evident on his face. "Umm did we.. Hook up.. last night?"

I look down at the floor as I ask. I feel my face burn as I speak. "What?! No of course not Malia. I wouldn't take advantage of you like that." I sigh not knowing I was holding my breath. "Oh thank glob!" I look up at him finally. "Im sorry like I had to ask I can't remember everything right now it's all fuzzy. But I mainly asked cause how did I get in this shirt and out of my clothes?" He laughed and turned a little pink. "Well once I helped you in the house, I sat you in my room to get you some clothes to sleep in. I got them in the wash for you. That's you my shirt and some shorts and have them to you. I left and let you do your thing and I walk back in after knocking and no answer to find you knocked out under my covers with just my shirt on. The pants were on the floor."

He finishes and chuckled softly. "Wow so basically I was beyond drunk." I say blushing and looking away. He chuckles and rubs the back of his head. "Yeahhhhh pretty much." He said trying to hide his smile. I roll my eyes at him and then remember I needed my clothes. "Hey where are my clothes? I didn't see them in your room." He turns a little pink when he starts to speak. "So I just got your clothes and put them in the wash. They should be sitting in the dryer." He says and I nod. "Oh. Ok. Well I should get them." I say turning around to go find the laundry room. "Wait don't you wanna eat?" He asks, "Besides, I didn't even tell you where out laundry room is." He smirks and tries not to laugh. I blush and look away, "Oh yeah I forgot about that." I follow him into the kitchen and sit shyly beside him.

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