Six: A Whisper

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Spencer Reid glanced at his clock. 11:42. He had been laying there for almost two hours. 

He couldn't believe it was over. Why was he ever worried? He was safe. 


"One for sorrow. Two for joy."

Spencer tensed up.

"What the hell...?"

He stood up silently, grabbing his gun and phone. He peeked out all of his windows, then looked out his door. Nothing.

"It was all in my head..."

But it wan't. 

"Three for a girl."

He turned back to the door.

He looked out. Nobody. He slowly opened it. 

He went to his only neighbor, who lived across the hall. He knocked quietly at the door, looking over his shoulder the whole time. Nobody answered. 

"He must be asleep..."

Spencer knocked louder.

"He's not home..." Spencer thought dryly.

"It's all in my head... nothing's happening."

He went back to his apartment, and locked the door. He checked all the locks on his windows. 

Everything was fine. He was imagining it... right?

"Four for a boy..."

Spencer paused on the edge of his bed. He whispered to himself,

"That's it, I'm texting the others."

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