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A girl being moody on her period- that's pretty much all it's gonna be today. Lots of mood swings and cravings. You have been warned.

Morning - Didn't wanna get out of bed, get dressed, eat breakfast. Wore the same sweatpants that I went to bed in and just threw on a sweatshirt. I felt like..pissed off at everything this morning. My mom left our dog outside and it sounded really loud and I was about to get on zoom and then my dad was getting ice for his water jug and OH MY GOSH it couldn't have been ANY louder!!

1st period - Had to annotate some more but didn't have energy, hard to retain the information. I saw my bed in my zoom screen and just wanted to turn off my video and go sleep

*Bebe posted again, watched the video, it made me happy, and AHHHH @readingmea80 you're in for a treat 👍*

2nd period - Don't remember anything tbh...I mean...I have the notes and stuff..I just don't remember wtf I did in the class.

*On my break I went into the kitchen, stole a muffin and a granola bar. While in the waiting room I ate my cranberry and orange muffin and was very happy*

3rd period - Yesterday, my teacher said we had a test and I was fine with it but then she said we had a surprise. I looked at the test and was freaked out a bit. I didn't study and 6 of the questions I didn't even know the answers to. Turns out that we got to use our book to check answers and I finished very early. But then I had to wait for 20 minutes. AND WATTPAD HAD A "minor outage" SO I COULDN'T READ MY FIC. Blehhh! 

Lunch - Today for lunch I made oatmeal. I ✨garnished✨ it with dried cranberries, sliced almonds, and white chocolate and "oh my gosh isss so good it's gonna be bussin bussin, bussin bussin" AND IT WAS. It was freakin delicious and I recommend you try it!

5th period - Yesterday we were working on a photosynthesis sheet and I finished it. So today my teacher said if you finished it you could leave, watch a video, or work on homework (like a study hall) so I left, worked on my math homework and then read wattpad stories.

6th period - We listened to music for describing mood and it was kind of fun but I also just wanted to listen to Tate and just start screaming "r u ok" and "slower" and "you broke me first" but we didn't...but she did play "A 1,000 years" and I was trying not to cry and to not just burst out into song. And then she said "when you here the song you think about love. You probably haven't approached that relationship status with someone but you think of romance." And I just laughed. One of the questions on our slides that we do everyday was "What is something you'd find it hard to live without. (It can't be your phone, because your at a refugee camp)" And I said "I would find it hard to be without books. If something was going wrong in my life I could just immerse myself in a book and be in a different reality than my own." Or sweatshirts.

8th period - Turned off my video and put my head on my desk. I listened to the zoom but my stomach hurt so bad that I couldn't be on camera. My teacher did a poll on what we wanted to do and I wanted to just cry but I answered it and then tried to do the Kahoot that people ended up voting for.

Today wasn't the worst but wasn't the best. Rereading my class periods today, they are making me laugh and I would change them but that was how I felt in that moment so...I'm not going to.

As always, thank you for taking the time to be here and to read this crazy adventure of mine. If you would like, please create your own so we can support each other. If you do put your @ in the comments. Don't forget that you are not alone. And if you need help the Suicide Prevention Number is 1-800-273-8255. Thank you so much, I love you and I hope you have a good day! <3.

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