A Scaly Surprise (Asra X Scared Fem. Reader)

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*Thank you, wherearemytacos_ for the lovely request*

(Artwork is not mine. Credit goes to the original artist!)

(This is after you first come back to life)

- Y/n's Pov-

I was peacefully asleep this morning. Dreaming of flowery meadows and sitting on soft grass while drinking tea with Asra. I've been living with Asra for some time now. He claimed that I had been in a coma for a while and had amnesia. They said that it would be hard, but in time I would get my memories back. As long as I was with Asra, I was alright with that.

While I was in my slumber, I felt something crawl up my leg. Playing it off to be Asra's foot, I giggled and then tried shaking them off.

"Five more minutes....." I turned around and muttered into my pillow.

However the cool sensation didn't stop. I started to grow more agitated and kept trying to shake him off of me.

"Asra, I said quit it..."

Pure silence hung in the air. Finally, I whipped around and opened my eyes. Asra wasn't there. I sat up grumbling, watching my surroundings. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"Must be another trick they're trying to pull on me." I added.

I raised myself off of the bed and trudged down into the kitchen. The shop and partly house was very quaint and smelled of herbs and flowers. I began making my morning tea, pulling down my f/tea and began boiling the water with the help of Slinky, our fire salamander. As I went to pour the water into my cup, the cold sensation happened again. I swiftly turned around, but still saw nothing. When I turned back around to pour the water, something horrid poked out from my sleeve.


-Asra's Pov-

I was getting dressed for the day, when I heard y/n shriek from the kitchen followed by a crash. I urgently dashed from my room with half a shirt hanging off of me, and entered into the kitchen.

"Y/n! Did something happened? Are you hurt?"

I stared at the most bizarre scene I have ever seen. Faust was curled up on the floor slowly slithering towards y/n. She was perched on the kitchen counter, fire in hand, shaking.

"Asra, I believe we have a snake problem!" Y/n yelped.

Faust was climbing the counter with a worried look her face.


Y/n screeched and took another step back on the counter, but soon her balanced faltered.


-Y/n's Pov-

I was panicked. I went to take a step back, but the next thing I knew I was flopping backwards towards the floor.

"FUC-" I screamed out.

I hit something with a muffled thud. "Wait, what did I just hit? Am I unconscious?"  I thought to myself. I fluttered my eyes open to see a half naked Asra, holding me in his arms. The same person I loved for the past 6 months, was standing there holding me....in his arms....with his half-naked body.
If I thought my face was extremely hot when dealing with that vile snake, it was for sure extremely hot now. My face started turning deep shade of red as Asra was checking my forehead.

"Are you ok? Anything hurt? Broken? Bleeding?" They questioned while continuing to check me.

"N-no I'm sure I'm fine." I mumbled. "Yeah perfectly fine even though there is a blue talking snake in our house. And the fact that I just embarrassed myself not in front of just anyone, BUT THE PERSON I HAVE A CRUSH ON!" I screamed inside my head.

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