Chapter 30: Finale

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Mirio grimaced as he felt the bullet hit his back, as much as he wanted to believe it was just another wound he knew better. Lemillion was now quirkless in a battle.

"The diseased..." Overhaul rasped as he got up from the broken floor, "Thinking you can actually become an illness of the mind. It's funny!"

In an instant, Mirio threw chisaki off of his high horse. Throwing the body of his henchman at him, he used it as a distraction to attack.

Lemillion fought with everything he had. He didn't allow Eri to get hurt, his self-sacrificing personality couldn't even imagine that. He exchanged blows with Overhaul before jumping back to Eri. He held back the concrete spikes with all his power, even though he was now bloodied and quirkless and nothing but adrenaline keeping his body moving Mirio didn't allow himself to let any harm come to her.


"I already told you I threw that name away!" Overhaul yelled angrily as he sent another wave of concrete toward Lemillion.



"It looks like a raid." Sasuke spoke as he examined the scene before him, "I don't sense Kaguya anywhere."


"Shut up moron, I want to help them too but it'll only make more trouble if we were to show ourselves now." Sakura sighed.

"You'd also be just a tad hypocrite considering what you've said since you've first met them..." Kakashi mumbled.

Naruto pouted then scowled before slumping on the concrete roof.

"It seems that they're handling the situation well. Although I sense a lot of fighting below, I'm not sure if they're winning."

Naruto's scowl grew deeper, this isn't good at all. Fighting Kaguya here is going to be a nightmare. Kaguya might not target them but it would be too easy for them to get caught in the crossfire...

I'll just have to believe that they have the strength to survive!

Suddenly a loud sound of concrete and rock collapsing filled the air as the Dragon hero broke through the ground in her fight. Instantly, more yelling and fighting could be heard combined with the sound of concrete moving and breaking. Team 7 instantly tensed, leaning over the roof to see what was going on.

Inside was a group of people, Team 7 only recognized Midoriya, Ururaka and Tsuyuu but they could easily tell which was friend or foe. A man in a tattered suit was slumped in the rubble covered in blood and held by Tsyuu, with Ururaka and the Dragon Hero close by. A man, clearly the cause of this, was rising quickly on a pillar with a small girl at his side and Midoriya trailing not so far behind.

"This is getting so exciting..." Zetsu cackled

Team 7 whipped around instantly to face Black Zetsu's gleeful face. A look of surprise, horror and anger were present on their faces.

At this, of course, Zetsu laughed maniacally even more, "You know, a hero down there can see the future, they call him Sir Nighteye. He said Midoriya is gonna die, he tricked fate once, but I wonder if he can do it again?" Zetsu wheezed, "I wonder how many more are going to die because of your inability to defeat Mother!"

Naruto growled, the flames surrounding his body seemed to glow brighter. But one look from Sasuke told him to calm down.

"Won't you look at that? Looks like Overhaul got a bit of a power up..." Zetsu peered over the ledge of the building. Team 7's eyes followed and found a now much more grotesque Overhaul standing in front of Midoriya.

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