Chapter 21

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"I can't believe you're living with us! This is going to be so much fun!" Mina giggled happily, throwing a fist in the air as she entered the UA dorms.

  "Yeah! Can't wait!" Sakura cheered alongside the girls.

    Sasuke watches from the corner of the entrance. "This is stupid," he mumbled.

  "This is fucking stupid," Bakugou appears behind Sasuke. Sasuke agrees and Bakugou walks away.

    "Oh, Kakashi, your room is separate from the students. I'll show you." Aizawa spoke lazily as he walked away with Kakashi following behind.

  Naruto turned over to Midoriya, "So...Bushy Hair, that attack you pulled on that muscular guy was really cool. Do you think you could show me that again?" Naruto grinned, excitement gleaming from his bright blue eyes.

  "B-B-Bushy Hair?!" Midoriya stuttered, tugging at his hair nervously, "Oh you're talking about my quirk... Well if you come with us next time I can show you it."

  "Awesome!" Naruto grinned.

  Hagakure clapped her hands together, "Alright! Let's get working!"


    "No matter how much I look into it, there's no information on those three brats!" Shigaraki growled, scratching his neck angrily.

  "They're not heroes, UA students or villains, and it's hard to believe they are citizens, considering how much UA did to secure the confidentiality of the Training camp." Kurogiri added.

  "We should've pressed that kid for more answers." Twice spoke, "We wouldn't have gotten anything anyway~!

  "Maybe I could spy on them for a bit!" Toga piped up with a sick grin plastered on her face.

  "UA buffed up their security, we shouldn't attack recklessly." Kurogiri said.

"The best thing to do right now is to wait, they'll come out eventually....." he added.


"So are all of you guys ready!" Hakagure asked.

"Yeah!" The girls cheer in unison.

  "C'mon let's go!" Class 1A, Naruto and Sakura went to check out everyone's dorms with a smile.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and shook his head before going to his dorm room and locked it. He noticed some other kids have done the same. As he laid down on the bed, he began to take in his surroundings. Somehow the room seemed eerily similar to the one he lived in at his time in the Hidden Leaf.

We need to find ways to get back. Sasuke thought. We can't afford to keep doing this...

Sasuke laid there for a few minutes, hearing a lot of 'whoa!', 'Awesome!'and 'wow!'

  It's too loud.... but I can't let that bother me now. Kaguya will probably come back in a few months. We have to try to at least come with a strategy before then. I really hope that I can keep Naruto from getting us in their world's problems. It'll be a huge waste of Chakra. Sasuke thought

"Dammit." He muttered angrily.

Knock Knock Knock


"Next is Naruto!" Mina announced.

  Plain and disorganized summed up the entire room. Despite only having the room for a day, the room already looked as if a tornado went through it.

So messy... everyone thought in unison.

"Now it's Sakura and Sasuke's!" Hakagure said.

"Actually Sasuke didn't want to. He's in his room right now." Sakura replied.

"Darn." Mina snapped her fingers.

"Anyways let's go check out mine!" Sakura said.

   Sakura's room, like Naruto's, was plain but much, much neater than her teammates.

"It's kinda boring... like your chest-." Mineta mumbled.

Sakura made a terrifying glance at Mineta which shut him up immediately.


Kakashi stood at Sasuke's door.

"What do you want?" Sasuke snapped.

"You should spend time with the team and class 1A. You should enjoy yourself."

"That's stupid, what are you even doing?"

"Thank you for asking!" Kakashi pulled out a book called 'Icha icha paradise'.

"Did you really take porn book to a war?" Sasuke sighed.

"I have priorities, Sasuke." Kakashi replied.

"Whatever." Sasuke closes the door on Kakashi.

At least he's not Orochimaru... Sasuke thought.

  Sasuke turned around to see Kakashi in front of him.

"Socialize Sasuke. Who knows you may learn a thing or two from them." Kakashi said.

"Fine." Sasuke said while walking out of his dorm.

"Hey look who's out!" Naruto cheered.

"Whatever...." He mumbled under his breath.

"Does that mean we can see your room?!" Mina asked.

"Sure, whatever." Sasuke immediately regretted his decision because a storm of children went to his room.

A few seconds later they walked out.

"What a total letdown." Mina said.

"It was so boring," Kaminari said.

Sasuke ignored the comments and stayed quiet.

"It's getting late, we should go back to our dorms," Momo said.

"Yeah we need our energy to train!" Midoryia said.

Everyone went back to their dorms and went to sleep.


How long can I take this... I can't, I'm scared... I wanna get out of here. I HAVE to. A familiar young girl sits in a dark room clutching onto her blankets that is the only thing that gave her comfort in her life.

I can't take this anymore. I need to go. The girl looked around her room staring at the toys she was supposed to play with.

She heard someone grabbing the door handle. The girl gasped as a tall man with a plague doctor mask opened the door.

  "I don't wanna go!" The girl cried out hoping someone would save her, but nobody came.

The man pulled her out of the room ignoring her pleas and closed the door behind him.


Naruto woke up and got ready, when Naruto walked out he saw Sasuke and Sakura already waiting for Naruto.

"EHH! DID I SLEEP IN?!" Naruto shrieked.

"Yeah dumbass we were waiting on you." Sasuke sighed.

"Well we can worry about that now we need or go to the training area." Sakura replied.

"Yeah lets go!" Naruto said while running out of the dorms.

"So what do you want to do today? We can't use our Chakra." Naruto asked.

"Maybe we can fight each other with our fist!" Sakura said.

"Sounds good to me!" Naruto replied.


"Oh yeah! Lets go!" Naruto replied.

  Team 7 entered the training facility, Class 1-A and a couple heroes already stood in wait.

Heya! Sorry for the late update (At least where I'm at) But I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day/night!

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