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Sunny and Bela arrived in Mehra Mansion

Sunny and Bela arrived in Mehra Mansion

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Disha- Mera Baccha My Sunny

She hugged Sunny

Purab- Sunny

Sunny- Dad

Sunny hugged Purab

Purab- I am sorry my Son I should stop you and your Mom

Sunny- Don't say Sorry all these Years I hate you but more then that I missed you Dad

Purab looked at Bela

Purab- Bela Beta

Bela took blessing from Purab

Purab- Thank you for giving me the best gift of my life my Radhika and Prakriti

Bela- Thank you Dad

Aryan enter

Aryan- Bahi

Sunny hugged Aryan

Sunny- My brother I missed you

Aryan- Missed you to

Abhi- Sunny Mera Bachha

Sunny- Chucks

Abhi- I am sorry for what I have done on that Day I should support Disha but you know the Media

Sunny- I don't think about it chucks

Sunny hugged Pragya

Sunny- I missed you Chachi where are Prachi and Reha

Pragya- They are playing with your Daughter

Prachi- Who said we are playing

Reha- Yes Mom we were putting them to sleep

Prachi- Bahi

Prachi/ Reha hugged Sunny

Sunny- You both are so Grown up remember Chachi when they come always cry for attention mostly the Young Twin

Reha- Don't say like this Bahi

Sunny- Ok ok

Pragya- Now come in

Reha- Not like this

Bela- Then

Prachi- You have to pick Bela Bhabhi in your Arms and then enter in house

Abhi- You have to do it

Bela- No

Aryan- Bahi come on or you felling you are old

Sunny- I will tell you who is old

Sunny went towards Bela and Pick her in his Arms and enter in the House

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