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Vikram come and look Pallavi who was crying and no one understands what happened here

Vikram- What happened

Pallavi(sobbing)- Adhiraj Bahiya he come here

Vikram- What he was here Pallavi we should go

Vikram- Abhi we will talk about marriage later

Vikram and Pallavi leaves

Abhi- Arjun what was that

Arjun- I don't know I have never seen my Dad in so much anger

Kiara- Me to Dadda but this much anger

Pragya- Hold on what Pallavi ji said remember that he called your Dad as Bahiya that means

Kiara- That means Arjun she is your Bua

Arjun- I don't have any Bua

Prachi- Then why Pallavi Aunty call Your Dad as Bahiya

Arjun- I don't know Pracji if I had a Bua then My Mom Dad tell me Kiara you have seen family album do you ever see Mrs Kholi in those Pictures

Kiara Nods in No

Reha- Maybe your Dad not told you anything about your Bua

Singhania Mansion

Adhiraj was breaking things in his room he destroyed whole room

Jhanvi- Adhiraj stop it

Adhiraj look at Jhanvi

Jhanvi- Adhiraj I know what you are feeling I am also feeling that

Adhiraj- How dare she come infront of me and call me Bahi she has lost that right

Jhanvi- Adhiraj what you have done in Mehra Mansion it was not right look Adhiraj they are Kiara's Parents we were searching for them from last 20 years they are Arjun In laws Pari Grand parents to

Adhiraj- What you think I don't know that my problem is Pallavi and Vikram not Mehra's

Jhanvi- Look Prachi is going to be Daughter in law of Pallavi and she is a sweet girl Krish told me and the Mehra's are also going to be Krish in laws to Krish loves Reha younger sister of Kiara

Adhiraj- And I don't have a problem with that I will accept Krish and Reha's relation

Jhanvi- look the thing we are their relatives now and Pallavi will be their relatives we will meet in Function Festival it will suit you everytime you will fight with her or you left like this
Or you will not come

Adhiraj- I can't believe this you are saying this

Jhanvi- What it was past and it happend years ago you know how much Time I took to recover how much I time I was in fear

Adhiraj look tear in jhanvi eyes and wipe it

Adhiraj- How can I forget that I have seen you crying seeing you guilty for that crime you have never done and that's why I can't forgive her

Jhanvi- End this forgive her and move on

Adhiraj- call servant and order them to clear this mess

Adhiraj leaves the room

Mehra Mansion

Arjun- Kiara we have to find the truth

Kiara- What truth

Arjun- Whether Mrs Kholi is my Bua or not

Kiara- But how Mom Dad will not tell anything and we can't believe Mrs Kholi like this

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