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Abhi- She is so cute Pragya

Pragya- Like our Kiara or I should say Kiara 2.0

Pari- You are my Nana Nani

Abhi- Yes

Pari- But why you never come to meet me Pari is angry

Pari cutely glares Abhigya

Abhi- Oh oh but I thought we all will go and Eat Chocolate Icecream

Pari- Yahh Pari love you Both

Abhigya- We love you to

Arjun- how do you know that she love's Chocolate Icecream

Abhi(smile)- She is my Grand Daughter and My Kiara's Daughter me and Kiara love Chocolate Icecream so it's obvious that some traits will come and call me Dad

Arjun- Ok Dad

Abhi- Ok then

Pragya- Now Pari Beta we will meet your Masi's and your Mama and I have a suprise

Pari- Mumma Can I go

Kiara just nodded

Krish- Aunty you spend time with Bhabhi I will take her

Pragya- Ok

Krish- Come with me

Krish take Pari to meet Prachi and Reha

Kiara- Mumma what happened with me
why I am not with you

Abhi- Kiara that thing is past consider it a bad dream and forget it

Pragya- Your Dadda is right

Kiara- I want my answers pls

Pragya- Ok the story starts 20 years ago after 7 me and Dad were going to be parents again and you were very happy your going big sister it was my Baby Shower and on that Day our past returned

Arjun- What happend on that day

Abhi- My Ex Girlfriend Boyfriend his name was Nikhil he returned in our life let me start from the beginning when me and your Mom were not married I was dating Tanu but my Dadi never liked after that me and your meet and gradually me and your Mom Path start crossing Eachother my Dadi noticed that Pragya has everything which she needs in her Bahu and we got married but I was never happy with this relationship Pragya was in relation because of her Mother  and I am because of my Dadi many things happened but after sometime we start have feeling for Eachother and eventually we were in love I broke with Tanu but she gave me the biggest shock my life

Kiara- What she said

Abhi- She tell me that she is pregnant but I know that never crossed my limits but she manipulated that situation made me believe that child is mine but it was not mine she was carrying her boyfriend child she wanted my Property they played a game we lost everything but soon I get my everything back but in that Tanu lost her child Nikhil was imprisoned for 10 years We Tanu saved because we don't have any proff against her we were living a normal life till she come

Kiara- Whom Dad

Abhi- Simonica it's I will tell you about her later but thing is Tanu and Simonica planned to kill your Mom but while saving her my Dadi died and I blamed your Mom and I can't forgive myself for that after 7 years you and your Mom come in my life with King Singh I thought Pragya has move on and for whole world Abhishek Prem Mehra was also moved on with Tanushree Mehta but it was not truth I meet you for the first time I feel conacted to you after sometime I get to know that you are my Daughter when I get to know that your Mother is not moved on and Nor I we get married again and soon Pragya was pregnant and as your Mother said Nikhil come she come to kill your Mom But you saw her he kidnapped you he asked me 5 Crores and I agreed and same time your Twins Sister's Born 2 Days I was searching for you and he call me near a Cliff me Pragya and Police reached their and he get angry to see police while saving himself from police you both fall from that cliff when we returned in anger we both blame eachother and again separated

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