『 Missing 』

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Tanjiro's POV

"Gotta control my breathing..'

As soon as I managed to stop the bleeding from the wound, I tried to get up. I wanted to help them fight too, but my wound is still open and Kyojuro said to not move because it might become fatal. Although i didn't listen and got up.

Wincing from the pain in my abdomen, I tried to check what's going on in the fight, it looks like (y/n) managed to save the flame pillar from that fatal blow. I feel someone approaching and turned around, 'oh it's just inosuke'.

"This fight...They are strong, we can't even help them because we couldn't keep up with them..If you interfere, you die"

Inosuke keeps muttering some stuff so i just focused back to the fight infront of us. I'm feeling some what guilty, to not be able to help them. My eyes keeps focusing on my comrades,  Kyojuro's right eye was bleeding, more like his right side of the face is pretty much ruined.
(y/n), she got some minor injuries left and right but she seems okay.

A moment latEr...🌱


As the sun started to form at the corner of the mountains, the ice fog from (y/n)'s breathing form starts to disappear. I started to run over to them to take down the demon. Unfortunately, inosuke and I arrived too late, (y/n) already went to chase after it with the pillar's permission. I quickly ran over there and was hoping to go help (y/n) but i noticed that Kyojuro was bleeding a bit too much.

'If i leave to go chase after the demon, would kyojuro still be ok..?'

Shaking my head, I chose to stay and heal the pillar first.

"Oi gonpachiro, why don't you go help (y/n)??" inosuke asked.

"She's a strong demon slayer, she should be okay since it's already sunset and she could also retreat if she couldn't get the demon. Afterall, that uppermoon can't just fight back because the sunlight would hurt him, So she should be fine"

"A-alright then, if you say so, monjiro"

"it's TANJIRO! Anyway help me with Kyojuro"

After that, we started to stop the bleeding from the pillar's wound and made sure he was okay, well, he was already unconscious so...


"Thinking about monitsu and nezuko huh? they r over there, the kakushis found them, dont need to worry"

"a-ah right call some kakushis over, rengoku-san needs help"

After calling some kakushis to bring rengoku-san with them back to the demon slayer corp's base, I also got called over to treat my wounds.

𝓚𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓝𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮.Where stories live. Discover now