Until Next Year

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A pair of magnificent green eyes slowly opened for the rays of the morning sun. Harry Potter sat up in one of the many beds of the Hogwarts hospital wing and reached over onto the bedside table to take and put on his glasses. He looked over toward a few of the other beds, seeing the Student Six all laid up as well. One by one, they all slowly came to and looked around the hospital wing. It was strange for them seeing the familiar surroundings when they knew for a fact this is not where they were before.

"What's going on?" Yona asked confused.

"We're in the hospital wing," Sandbar pointed out.

"But we were just fighting off Voldemort and the Dark Order!" Silverstream stated.

"Good afternoon, Harry, everyone."

The Student Six and Harry turned over and saw Dumbledore, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and the Mane Six smiling as they approached.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Yona spoke. "Princesses? Profess—"

A squeaky gasp interrupted Yona before she could finish as Ocellus quickly stretched up from the bed.

"The Stone!" Ocellus cried out. "It was Quirrell! Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow were there too! There was this cloaked person there too! They got the Stone! We have to—"

All of a sudden, the Mane Six, the Princesses and Dumbledore started to laugh, much to the Student Six and Harry's confusion.

"It's okay guys, take it easy," Twilight reassured. "You're a little... behindthe times."

"Quirrell never got the stone," Celestia added. "And neither did Chrysalis, Tirek, or Cozy Glow."

"Then... who does?" Harry wondered.

"Please Professor Dumbledore!" Smolder begged. "We—"

"Everyone, please remain calm," Dumbledore spoke. "Or Madame Pomfrey could easily throw us out."

It was then he noticed the vast amount of goodies and cards laid upon the foot of all their beds.

"Tokens from your admirers?"

"Admirers?" Harry asked.

"What happened down in the dungeon between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret," Celestia informed.

"Translation..." Pinkie popped in. "I told the entire school, so everyone and their mother knows."

"Yeah, she really did that," Rainbow Dash sighed. "There's just no stopping Pinkie Pie when news spreads to her."

Princess Luna eyes the stack of Chocolate Frog cards on one table.

"I see Ronald Weasley saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frog cards."

"How long have we been unconscious?" Gallus asked.

"Y'all been out fer at least three days," Applejack explained. "We started gettin' a little worried, but we're all glad yah came around. Ah'm sure Spike, Ron and Hermione will be relieved to see you're okay too."

"Are they alright?" Harry asked.

"They're fine," Dumbledore assured. "They're all just fine."

"But... what about the Stone?" Silverstream asked.

"Yeah, whatever happened to it?" Sandbar questioned.

"Relax, everyone," Dumbledore raised a hand. "Quirrell and the others didn't get the Stone."

"We arrived just in time to prevent that," Celestia added. "Though it seemed you were all doing well on your own."

"Then... you guys got Hermione's owl?" Silverstream gasped.

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