Step Two

37 4 2

Dedicated to _AcrossTheUniverse_ because I love her books and she writes so well omfg


AmaZayn: Perry

AmaZayn: is that a short form for something?

Sent at 3:09 pm

Me: Maybe

Me: maybe not

Me: Hehe

Seen at 3:20 pm 

AmaZayn: Lol

AmaZayn: weirdo

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AmaZayn: How old r u? 

Me: 17

AmaZayn: ur bio says 980 y/o 

Me: i said that to attract potential vampires

AmaZayn: lol smooth

Me: y do u say lol so much?

Seen at 5:24 pm

AmaZayn: Idk

AmaZayn: it seems appropriate

Sent at 5:30 pm

Me: sry if I sound weird

AmaZayn: u don't :)

Me: oh

Me: good

Me: I just bumped into my ex, who dumped me a month ago.

AmaZayn: shit

AmaZayn: u ok?

Me: I feel like punching something

AmaZayn: but it's been a month

AmaZayn: shouldn't u feel not as strong about it?

Me: i do

Me: but then he tried to kiss me

AmaZayn: wtf?!

Me: idk

Me: idc

Me: he can go fck himself

Me: he fcking cheated on me and thn had the nerve to break up with me

AmaZayn: woah

AmaZayn: he sounds like a bas*ard. 

AmaZayn: forget him

Me: *whoa

Me: I try

Me: but he started working at the same place that i do

AmaZayn: fck

AmaZayn: that sucks

Me: ikr?

Me: anyway, i hv to go.

Me: byeee, ttyl <3

AmaZayn: Bye :) 

Seen at 5:57 pm

AmaZayn: i knw that i don't really knw u. but if u need someone, u can talk to me anytime.

AmaZayn: stay strong n may ur ex go fck himself :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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