Part 26: The Response

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(Ron's POV)

Hey George..I saw Fred writing to you, I know it was wrong to read some of it but I am at a loss for words. I've been lying to everyone.. they think Hermione is around helping me but truth is I haven't talked to her. She comes over for Ginny most of the time, trying to get me to talk to her but I just don't know what to say. Everything is so dull and no one is moving on. I want to so bad and I know the rest do too, but it's hard. Okay I'm crying now. Who would've thought me crying? Anyways back to Hermione.. I really miss her I don't know why I thought pushing her away was a good idea but it wasn't, so George if you're listening.. please help us..

(Y/n's POV)
Last night you and Ginny fell asleep on the couch together. She was laying on your chest sound asleep when Mrs.Weasley came down, along with Bill and Jasper "She's really helping her.." Mrs Weasley mutters "I know she's great. The only one of us who is really doing it all.. raising a baby, mourning and taking care of everyone else" Bill adds and Mrs Weasley gives him a soft smile "She's a keeper Bill, marry her" Bill smiles at you and Ginny as he sits in the recliner rocking Jasper. Jasper begins to cry waking you up "Oh I'm sorry why didn't you tell me he was awake?" You slide from under Ginny's grasp and walk to Bill "No it's okay really you seem to have your hands full" he smiles "Right I'll be back." You pick up Ginny in your arms and quietly take her upstairs. As you were upstairs you decided to check on Fred. As you opened the door Fred was asleep but the quill on his desk was writing! You quietly move to Fred bed and shake him awake "What is it Y/n!" He snaps grumpily "Shh! Look!" You point to the floating quill and he sits up quickly "The quill is-" "writing by itself" you finish his sentence and then the quill stopped and you and George rushed to the letter...

Hey everyone.. guess who! It's George. I don't know how I'm doing this right now but I'm trying to write as much as possible before whatever this is ends. Starting with Mum and Dad. Dad please go back to work and learning about muggles. You were the best at it and it's not the same without you always asking Harry what muggles do. Now Mum you don't have to be strong. Everyone is hurting just like you and they care about you.. please keep moving forward, because I'm here.. I'm watching you, all of you.. I may not be there physically but I can see you.. I can see you, Ginny.. in my jersey every night, falling asleep on the couch every night, I see it all and it's tearing me apart up here seeing you all in such pain. Bill and Charlie, you need to become the men of the house, It would've been me come on we a know I was the best Weasley, besides your works need you the family will be okay. RONALD WEASLEY as mom would've yelled, how stupid can you be? That girl has loved you through everything and you push her away! Get her back right now or I will find a way to put spiders in your bed from the after life. Now the lovely Y/n.. you were my best friend.. practically all the Weasley's bestfriend and how much you have grown is truly amazing. Thank you for being the glue of this family.. you're going to be the best mom in the world especially to your new child George or Georgia whenever that will be! Lastly but definitely not least Fred, my partner in crime, my other half, my whole life. I miss you every day more and more.. but I have to let you know. It's not Harry's fault, we fought willingly, we knew what we were getting into so don't blame Harry and quit being as stupid as Ron. These girls are probably the only women in the world who would ever fall for you two so FIX IT! Now I see my hand beginning to fade from the quill so I must hurry. I love and miss you all and no matter what fix this family, I hate seeing the sad Weasley's.. I want the happy upbeat Weasley's so that I can finally be at peace..

with all my heart

You and Fred look at each other both wide eyes with tears. "Is this really.." Fred voice trails "There's no other explanation.. he got our letters.." you reply and Fred pulls you into a huge hug, laughing happily. "He's here with us.. he's really here!" Fred takes the letter and rushed downstairs to the others squealing with joy.

After everyone reads the letter everyone was filled with joy and the family felt whole again. That was until there was a knock on the door.. Sirius had returned..

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