21|Tianzi Xiao|

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"Take it back"

"No taking back. Hehe
Come on. Why so inflexible?"

Wei Wuxian giggled a he pulled his other leg over the wall and smiled at Lan Wangji. Wei WuXian could see that the other boy was stunned by his actions. 'You are so fun.' He smiled even more brightly at Lan Wangji's irritated expression.

Lan Wangji was losing his calm at a very rapid rate, after seeing this boy's actions. 'These robes? Which sect is he from? Not from any of the invited sects' Lan Wangji could not remember seeing such a beautiful and cheerful face in Gusu or in the entire cultivation world.' What? Beautiful? '

Lan Wangji's frown deepened when he saw the wine jars the boy was holding. Sensing Lan Wangji's gaze on his precious wine jars, Wei Wuxian placed a hand protectively over them. Lan Wangji asked looking at Wei WuXian with irritation.

"What are you holding in your hands?"

Tianzi Xiao. Hey if I share a jar with you can you pretend you never saw me? "

Wei Wuxian said in a cheerful voice filled with laughter as he showed Lan Wangji one of his wine jars, swinging it in front of him. Lan Wangji took a deep breath to calm down and said in his usual cold tone carefully picking the right words.

"Alcohol is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses. That's a worse crime"

"You don't need to tell me that. Is there anything that isn't forbidden by your sect?"

Wei Wuxian said with a pout, looking cute and swaying on the wall from left to right. Lan Wangji sighed tiredly, 'This is way too much talking for one day '  Usually everyone would scurry away after hearing Lan Wangji's cold response but this boy was not following that rule.

Lan Wangji took one step closer to Wei Wuxian and said, his voice forcefully made calmer, this person was making him lose his composure way too much.

"Go read the wall of rules in front of the mountain. "

Wei WuXian's eyes went wide but his eyes still retaining the same smile as his lips. He huffed a laugh at Lan Wangji's words. Wei WuXian threw his hands over his head making wild gestures and started talking really fast in a offended tone.

There are more than three thousand densely packed rules carved on the wall. That too written in seal script. Who would actually read that????
There are even rules like sneering for no reason is prohibited, sitting improperly is prohibited, eating more than three bowls is prohibited.
All these rules and regulations
Is there any meaning to your lives????"

"You... "

Lan Wangji began then stopped. He frowned even more. 'So. You actually read the rules to know these. '

Lan Wangji was made speechless by Wei WuXian's audacity. ' How ridiculous'
Lan Wangji  walked forward while his grip on Bichen tightened even more if that was even possible. Wei Wuxian put a hand in front of him stopping Lan Wangji on his track. Wei Wuxian looked around smiling mischievously and said.

"Fine fine.
If alcohol is prohibited in Cloud Recesses, then I won't go in. I'll drink it standing on the wall that doesn't count as violating the rule does it? "

"You dare... "

Lan Wangji was again left speechless when Wei WuXian opened his jar and took a swig from it right in front of Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji unsheathed Bichen and lunched forword, making Wei Wuxian drop the jars on the ground and breaking them. Wei Wuxian snapped and said.

Hey so it's a fight that you want, is it?"

Wei Wuxian unsheathed Suibian and blocked the attack that was sent his way. He stood up from the wall and blocked every one of Lan Wangji's attack with ease. He laughed loudly as they both fought on the rooftop.

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙞 ( This Author Is Going For A Short Break. Wait For 13yrs.) Where stories live. Discover now