Chapter 10: Connor

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I slop myself wearily onto my usual seat at the lunch table. Immediately 5 pairs of eyes stared at me. I gulped slightly and shuffle on my seat. Kian on my right and Trevor on my left. I smiled nervously at each of them. Most weekends I spend with these guys. Scratch that, every weekend I spend with them since I was about 8. But I spent this weekend all with Troye and didn't speak or text anything to any of them. I had managed to avoid them my first 2 periods but interval came and I knew speculations would rise if I didn't sit with them. "Soooooo" I say managing to break the ice. "So." Ricky says and a huge grin spreads on his face.

"Congrats Con!" "Aww our little boy growing up." "Connie boy you slut." They say and all slap me on the back or hold out there hands for high fives. My brain try's to make sense of what was happening. My heart was beating irregularly and way to fast at the thought that they might know about me and Troye. "W-wait what are you talking about?" I say trying to stop the major shake in my voice. "You got yourself a girlfriend. We aren't oblivious Con-da-bon ya know." Sam says laughing. I feel myself simultaneously tense and up and calm down. "Uh guys I don't have a girlfriend." I say trying to laugh it of.

"LIES" They all yell in unison. Sometimes these boys scare the fuck out of me. "You ignore us all weekend and then come to school looking all day-dreamy and in-love." Kian says smiling. I nervously gulp and a sickening feeling rises in my throat.

Not today Connor. Not today.

I try to laugh to calm the ever growing nerves. Urgh I hate lying. "Guys I don't have a girlfriend, I was just sick all weekend so I like slept and stuff." I say trying to stop the urge to run of.

It takes awhile but after some time they start to believe the lye's I fed them and they drop the subject of me and my 'girlfriend.'

I walk into Maths. There was no teacher there yet and only a few kids. In the back was Troye and Tyler. I mean I knew they would be here. I knew they where in this class, but I was still surprised. I thought back to my weekend with Troye. As sad as it sounds, that one of the best weekends of my life. Troye looks up at me and smiles. I want to run up to him and kiss him. But I can't. Cause I'm a wosp who can't execpt who he is.

No one would think a thing of it if I just simply smiled back at Troye but I didn't. Instead of smiling back at him I frowned, avoided his gaze and sat the front of the room as far away from them, or him, as possible.

JC Caylon came and sat next to me and gave me a toothy grin. I smiled slightly back. Me and JC talked the entire class. "Okay that is quite enough you two." She says angrily and comes and stands in front of our desks and stares down at us. I know the entire class's eyes are on us but I can only focus on Troyes blue ones. JC cross's his arms and leans back in his chair. "Connor, please move away from JC to the back with Tyler & Troye." She says looking at me with an angry expresion written on her face. I freeze up. Tyler & Troye. Tyler & Troye.

"Well boy move." She says. I just sit there starring at her. What is wrong with me? Why can't I just get up and sit with them? Your disgusting Connor. Trash. "I uh I don't want to sit with them." I mumble slightly. "Speak up." She says abnoxially loud. "I don't want to sit with Troye & Tyler." I piratically yell. Smooth, Connor, smooth. "And why is that Mr. Franta?" She asks.

Because I am confused and coming to terms with something I have been against my entire life. My friends don't support it that much and I really want to remain friends with them cause they are like my brothers but I know that if I tell them that I'm gay it will never be the same. Also I have sickness problems so even the slightest mention of 'gay' I get sick cause I think someone will know that I am in fact gay and they will tell my parents who will disown me more than they already do and I think I really really like Troye and that scares me so much.

But I don't say any of that instead I open my mouth to come up with some lame exuse but JC beats me to it. "It's cause he doesn't want there obnoxious gay to rub of on him." JC says and the whole class burst out laughing. I go red in the face and I don't dare look at Tyler and Troye. "JC I knew you where a whore, liar, cheater and dickhead but homophobic? You really add to your list of ugliness on a daily basis don't you?" Tyler snaps. The class laughs again. "ENOUGH. JC, TROYE, TYLER AND CONNOR YOU ARE ALL STAYING BEHIND AFTER CLASS FOR A LITTLE TALK."

And I thought this day couldn't get any worse.

We sit on the front 4 chairs and the teacher stands infront of us. I sit on the edge. "So I see we have a problem." She says pacing infront of us. "Connor and JC am I correct in isuming that both of you where being mean to these 2 for reasons of there sexuality?" She asks. JC shrugs a reply but I stay stiff still. I hear a small laugh fom Troye. Not a nice laugh. A menacing laugh. "Miss, I don't think Connor was doing it because of our sexuality." I gasped at Troyes comment and for the first time since I walked in class, looked at him. He wouldn't dare out me would he? He better not. "Then why do you think he did it Mellet?" She asked. I quickly cut in before Troye dared breath another word.
"I'M GAY." I yelled.


JC looked at me and his mouth made a perfect O. Troyes eyes looked shocked and he simply stared at me. Tyler looked like he was holding back surprise and the teacher was awkwardly standing there. I sat there staring the desk. The nice wooden texture of the desk. "Well..." I said standing up and slipping my bag onto my back. I make my way to the door and in the last second turn around to face everyone who's expression still remained the same as before. "Um so this was nice, defiantly do it again some time. I'm just going to go puke in a toilet then hide in my bed for the rest of this life and cry about my life and think about the inevitability of death. And on that note bye." I ramble. Then leave shut the door behind me and run. Run home where I can in-fact hide for a few centuries.



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