Just like you - Big Bang - TOP

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"Seunghyun." You sighed, rubbing your eyes as you climbed into the back of the car with him. "Where are we going? Can't you just tell me now?" You frowned up at him, snuggling into him as he wrapped his arm around you.

Of course, you knew that you were now in a different country, and had figured that T.O.P had brought you on holiday as a surprise, but you had no idea where abbouts you were staying, nevermind which hotel!

"Not yet!" He smiled down at your sleepy face as you closed your eyes and got yourself comfy as you leaned against your Oppa. "Don't go to sleep _____-ah! We're nearly there, just keep your eyes open for a little while longer." He said brigtly when he saw you yawn.

"Sorry Oppa." You replied, opening your eyes and stretching out, doing your best to keep yourself awake.

"Come on, you can sleep when we get inside." He laughed lightly as the car pulled up.

Tabi opened the door and climbed out, helping you out also, before thanking the driver and closing the door. He pulled two suitcases from the boot and watched you, as you stared up in awe at the huge cream coloured building infront of you.

"Is this where we're staying?!" You gasped, still staring up at the three story house that stood infront of you, it's metal gates glistening in the burning sunlight.

"Yep!" T.O.P grinned at you. "You like it?" He asked, pulling some keys from his pocket and unlocking the gate with hem.

"Oppa, I love it!" You grinned, following him through the gates and down the path through the manicured garden.

"Good, I'm glad." He smiled, unlocking the door and holding it open for you.

You both walked upstairs and into the master bedroom. The walls were painted cream in colour and had artwork hanging from them, the floor was a rich wood, quite a light colour, but still very expensive looking.

"Well." T.O.P smiled, throwing the suitcases down on the king size bed that stood in the middle of the room. "I think I did pretty well finding this place."

"I think you did!" You grinned, your eyes scanning the room. "And look at the size of that bed!" You gasped, your eyes landing on the huge bed that stood in the centre of the room, it's pristine sheets seeming almost enticing.

"Yeah." T.O.P chuckled. "We can have a lot of fun on that later." He grinned, winking at you. "But first, I want to show you this."

T.O.P walked over to the huge glass doors that stood at one end of the room and pulled them open,  the light breeze from outside gently ruffled his hair and the net curtais that framed the doors.

You followed him outside and gasped as you saw the beautiful view. You walked up to the white concrete railings and put your hands on them, leaning over to get a better view of the well-manicured, lucious green garden and the deep blue swimming pool just next to it.

"Wow Tabi." You eventually said, your voice almost a whisper. "It's perfect!" A grin spread across your face as you continued to take in the view. T.O.P circled one arm around your waist and gently ran his other hand through your hair. As he leaned in and kissed your cheek, his eyes remained on the view of the garden.

"And beautiful, and perfect, and gorgeous, and wonderful..." He continued, kissing you on the cheek before making each point. T.O.P moved his hand from your waist, up to your face and turned you towards him, kissing you gently and deeply, before adding. "Just like you."



This was a request! If anyone has anymore requests, be sure to let me know and I'l write them up for you :3

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