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She has been taken to her her husband house finally, after the advice given to her by her elders, Ammi made her cry, because she was refusing to.

Alisha's POV.

Sofiya was sitting down near near me, the girls have left after collecting 1 million honestly me too I was shocked. The house is so beautiful, even though we are leaving tomorrow and I was told that the one In Saudiya Is far far far better than this one.

"Sofiya come let me take you to your room" I told her because she wants to sleep and Aryan has step out.

"I will take her" I heard Aryan said while coming inside the room.

He carried her and they left. I entered inside the bathroom and took my bath I changed in to my Pajamas.

The door open and Aryan came inside. He has changed his clothes.

"Come let's pray" he said.

"Let me perform my Ablution" I said.

We finished praying and we sat down on the bed.

He kept staring at me but didn't talk.

"What happen" I ask.

"Nothing, let's sleep we have a flight to catch tommorow" he said.

He slowly pull me towards him and wrap his arms around me.

"Sleep"he whispered.

And I did.

Before we slept he recite my favorite surah for me A'arafi


Aryan's POV

I woke up around 8:00am and I remembered that we had a flight to catch at 10. I turned to my right and saw Alisha looking so cute while sleeping, I didn't want to wake her up, so I went to the toilet and brush my teeth took my bath and change my clothes, I place a peck on her forehead before leaving the room. I went to the kitchen thinking of what to do, when the door bell rang, I opened the door and saw the gate man standing there with a basket of food. I collected it and thank him before I close the door. The food was from Anty bily.

I arranged the dinning table, and looked for cereal for sofiyah. I went to sofiya's room to wake her up. She is gonna be staying with us.

"Good morning" she greeted yawning.

"Morning sleepy head, come and take your bath" I said to her.

I picked her up and took her to the toilet, I check the room for her clothes and put it on the bed for her.

She got dress up and we went downstairs.

"Uncle Aryan, were is Adda Alisha" sofiya ask.

"Let me wake her up" I said handing her the cup of cereal.

"Thank you" she beamed happily.

"Hey parisha" I whisper inside her ears.

"Hmmmmm" she said.

I couldn't help but chuckle she looks so cute.

"Wake up, we have a flight to catch"

"Morning Noor" she said.
"What's the time" she said sitting properly.

"8:50 " I replied.

She gasp " o my God sofiya is still sleeping, wait did you eat, o am so sorry"

"Calm down the food has been brought from home and sofiya is eating downstairs and she has taking her bath, take yours and meet us downstairs" I replied as I walk out living her mouth agape.

I couldn't help but giggle.


Alisha's POV.

I took my bath, wore 👇👇

and I head downstairs,Aryan  was sitting down waiting for me and Sofia is eating her cereal

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and I head downstairs,Aryan was sitting down waiting for me and Sofia is eating her cereal.

I sat down on the chair beside him, am not really hungry so I decided to take some cereal beside we are getting late, i can swear that I saw him glaring at me when I took the bowl of cereal but I shrugged it off.

"Eat this food" he said passing me his plate.

"But I just finish eating" I replied whining.

"Open your mouth" he said.

"What" I replied, eyes widened.

"Haaaaa" he said, trying to feed me.

"You are no..." I trailed, cuz the food was already in my mouth.

I couldn't help but glare at him while he was feeding me.

I heard a sound of camera going off and on, I turned to see Sofia with my phone taking pictures of us.

I signed "Sofia give me back my phone" I said.

"No give it to me" Aryan said stretching his hands forward.

Before I could talk again he has the phone with him and was laughing so hard like a lunatic. Sometimes I wonder if he is still a child. But I couldn't help but admire how he looks though.

I snatch the phone out of his hand, the picture look hilarious. It's like a five year old girl whose father was feeding her. And wait Sofia already sent the pictures to sumayyah for God sake.

I glared at them before storming out of the dinning area to my room.

And I started laughing well call me crazy.

You are just happy after a long time.

Shut up

I carried my luggage and went outside and saw them Gisting, I didn't even spare them a glance.

But I can't ignore them for so long, After some minutes I was part of the gist Already.


A filler chapter for y'all

Get ready for some drama 😏🎉👏...!


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