The start. (2001)

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      NY POV

Santana (14) , Quinn (14) and Mercedes (14) are attending the same school, New Amsterdam (Middle school) in New York. They were in there last year of Junior High. (Grade 8) They had been friends from the start. When they were in English class there teacher Miss. Menzel told them that there were still a few spots left in Glee Club. They needed some new voices. When the girls heard her say that they thought, why not to join the Glee Club. All of them liked to sing. They could stick around together.

Members of the Glee Club (New Amsterdam Showchoir (NAS)) were Rachel, Kurt, Emily, Alison, Caleb, Hanna and Ian-Jay. They needed some more members so they could compete at Competitions. At least they needed 10 members.

     The girls were talking.
Quinn: “What do you girls think!? I think it could be fun. I really love to sing. And maybe we will make some new friends to hang out with.” Santana: “I don’t know Quinn, am I not a little to badass for that.” she said with a little laugh. Mercedes: “A come on San. You don’t know how it will be. We don’t know what it’s like. So let’s just see.” Santana: “Okay, fine I will join.” Quinn: “They will be holding auditions. So we need to think of what we wanna sing.” So the girls thought about it, what they would sing at there auditions. The next day it was the girls audition. Santana was singing ‘Valerie’,

Quinn was singing ‘You Keep Me Hanging On’ and Mercedes was singing ‘Hell to the No’. Everyone in the auditorium was clapping and cheering them on. The girls sang great. They have great voices. Everybody was thrilled to let them join Glee Club. They could really use there voices. Rachel on the other hand was a little afraid. Because she wanted to be the Sta and get to sing the lead. Miss Menzel told the girls they were in. Santana, Quinn and Mercedes looked really happy. After the auditions the girls went home. It was Friday evening so they were holding a sleepover at Mercedes’ place. They ordered some pizza and watched some movies. They had a lot of fun.

It was there first day to join the glee club. They walked in together. Miss Menzel walked over to the girls and said “Hi, Welcome in Glee Club NAS. We are happy to have you here. Just take a seat.“ The girls took there places in the back of the room. Miss Menzel was preparing some things. Before she took place. Miss Menzel: “So welcome everyone. Let me introduce you to our new members of this club. We have Santana, Quinn and Mercedes.” The girls smiled at the rest of the kids. “So now we I will introduce you to the others. So here we have Rachel, Kurt, Emily, Allison, Caleb, Hanna and Ian-Jay. Now you all know the names, let’s get started with some vocal warm-ups.”

The day went by. Glee Club was over. So the girls grabbed there things and headed out of the room. Before they could reach the door, there was someone talking to them. They turned around and so a boy.

Kurt: “Hi, My name is Kurt. You girls were amazing at your auditions!”
Quinn: “Hi. Thank you. I’m Quinn, btw.” said the blond.
Mercedes: “Hi, I’m Mercedes. Well thank you Kurt. You were good too in class.”  Santana didn’t say anything. She just watched them having a conversation. She had a little snirk on her face. She didn’t know if she would like this kid. They all said there goodbyes. And were heading to the rest of there classes.

A few weeks went by. They were practicing really hard for there competing at Sectionals. Miss Menzel was telling the class which songs they were going to sing at Sectionals. “So class I’m gonna tell you now which songs we will perform at the competition. So Santana will be singing a solo ‘Valerie’ and our  Groupnumber will be  ‘Light up the World. We will also be having a captain for our team. And that will be…. Santana. Let’s give her an applause.” Santana looked a little shy, but smiled at everyone when Miss Menzel told them she was there captain. Those were great songs. They were confident to believe they were gonna be amazing and put down an awesome performance. Sectionals was in 2 weeks. So they needed all the time they got to practice.

  Lima POV
  Brittany (13), Sugar (13), and Tina (13) were attending the same school, The Da Vinci (Middle school) in Lima. The girls became friends since the start of middel school. They school was a big fan of the Arts. So there were Dance classes, Art classes, Theather classes they could join. Brittany, Sugar and Tina were in Dance class together. On one day at Dance class the teacher told them that the Glee Club was looking for new members and they could use some dancers and people who like to sing too. All the girls could sing too. So that could be fun for them.

Brittany: “Girls, come on we should join the Glee Club. We can dance more than we already do now and get better at singing.”
Tina: “Sounds fun. Let’s see what Glee Club is all about.”
Sugar: “Yes, I’m in.”

The girls walked over to the teacher and asked them were they could sign up. The teacher pointed to a clapboard in the hallway. The girls saw the note that said that they were holding Auditions. So they were brainstoming what songs they should sing. Brittany decided to go with ‘Run the World’, Sugar was singing ‘Big Spender’ and Tina was singing ‘I kissed a Girl’. The Glee Club teacher Mr. Shue was congratulating the girls because they got in to Glee Club. The girls were exited and phoned there parents to tell them the good news. Members of the Glee Club (Lynch Showchoir) were; Sam, Blaine, Marley, Kitty, Clary, Chase and Alec. They needed some more members in the Glee Club so they could compete at competitions. Now they were with 10 members.

Brittany's audition:

Tina's Audition

Brittany, Sugar and Tina walked into the Choir room. They were greeted by Mr. Shue. “HI, girls welcome. We are really exited you are joining the Glee Club. So let me introduce you girls to the rest of the Club. So we have Sam, Blaine, Marley, Kitty, Clary, Chase and Alec. And guys our new members are Brittany, Sugar and Tina. Let’s welcome them. You can take a seat now.”

The girls walked over the row with chairs and they all took a seat. They were talking a little with each other while Mr. Shue was setting up a few things. The next hour they were doing some vocal warm-ups, were singing songs together. Glee Club had ended and Mr. Shue walked over to the girls and asked “How was your first day in Glee Club!? Did you girls like it!?” All the girls said “Yes”  Mr Shue let them leave the room so they could go to there next classes.

In the middle of the hallway the girls got stopt by 2 boys. 
Sam: “Hi Girls, I’m Sam and this is Blaine. Welcome to the Glee Club. You girls are amazing.”
Blaine: “Hi! Btw Brittany you are an amazing Dancer!”
Brittany: “Thank you Blaine and Sam.”
They all said goodbye, before walking futher to there next class.

A few weeks went by and they were learning some new songs and choreography. They were practicing for an upcoming Sectional competition. Mr. Shue told the class which songs they would perform at the competition. Mr. Shue: “So class as you know we will be competing at Sectionals in 2 weeks. We will be practicing the song ‘Single Ladies’ who Brittany will be taking the lead roll and we will be preforming ‘Any way you want it’. So let’s get to it. We need all the free time we have. We will have a captain for this team and that will be….. Brittany!! Let’s give her a big applause.”  She smiles at the class and thank them.

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