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Sectional was around the corner. Sectionals was held in Pittsburg (Pennsylvenia). Mr. Shue and his Glee Club Lynch Showchoir were arriving at competion. Just like Miss Menzel and her Glee Club NAS. They had to sign in. When they were all set they were send to there waiting room so they could prepair them selfs. There was a 3rd show choir also attending the competition, Vocal Adrenaline. The Lynch Showchoir had to perform first, than Vocal Adranaline and at the end it was New Amsterdam Showchoir’s turn.

Lynch Showchoir:

New Amsterdam:

All of the performances were so amazing. It was hard to choose. But yes at the end there is only one winner right!? It was a though decision for the Jury. But they have come to the winner. All the Show Choirs were called back on the stage. The presenter walked over to the mic.
“Well I wanna say to everyone, You all did a really great job. You made it very hard for the Jury to choose a winner. But in this envelope I will have the answer. So here we go. At 3rd place we have Vocal Adrenaline. Congrats to you! So now let’s get to the 1st and 2nd place. Let me see whats on the note. Oh boys and girls what do we have here. It looks like the Jury couldn’t decide which Show Choir has won. It’s a tie. You both are equally talented. So congrats to you all!!!” Santana captain of the NAS and Brittany captain of Lynch showchoir, shared some glances to each other.
Both Show Choirs were amazed and super Happy of course. Mr. Shue and Miss Menzel congratulated each other. The 2 captains from the teams walked over to each other.
Santana: “Hi, Well congrats to you and your team. It was a great competition. You guys were really good!” Brittany: “ Hi. Thank you. Also congrats to you guys. You had some great songs. Good luck for the next one.” Santana: “ Ahh thank you. Yes you guys as well. I hope you will win the next competition.” She smiled at the blond while she said that. Brittany: “Thanks. Bye. Before Brittany could walk a little further Santana grabbed her elbow and said “You are a great dances.” Santana cheeks turn a little red. Just like Brittany’s cheeks. Santana: “Bye.” Santana walked over to her team. Brittany stoot there for a moment to take in the compliment Santana just had given her. Then she headed to her team as well. The competition was over. So they headed back to the Busses. They were returning home again. Everyone was tired and fell asleep on the bus.

New Amsterdam Showchoir was back in New York. Miss Menzel told them they were having 2 days off.
Santana decided to text the group to have a sleepover at her place.
Group name; New Amsterdam.
San: “Hey guys, So we have 2 days off. I was wondering who wants to have a sleepover at my place!?”
Quinn: “Yes!! I’m in.”
Mercedes: “Yes.”
Kurt: “Hi. Oh that sounds great. I will be there.”
Emily: “Yes!”
Alison: “Me too.”
Hanna, Caleb, Rachel and Ian-Jay also said they were joining.
Santana: “Okay! So tomorrow at my place. Will text the address later. See you all then.”
Everyone said “Bye”

The next day it was time for the sleepover at Santana’s place. Santana had cleared the livingroom so they could all sleep in there. Everyone brought there own sleepingbags and air matress. They were all settled. And watched a movie ‘Divergent’. At 12:30am they all decided to go to sleep.        Goodnight.

Lima. POV
Lynch Showchoir was back home in Lima. Mr. Shue told them they were having 2 days off. They were all pretty exited. Sugar asked Tina and Brittany if they wanted a sleepover with only the girls of the Glee Club. Tina and Brittany said “Sure”. So Sugar texted in the girls groupchat.
Sugar: “Hi girls!! Bc of our win at Sectionals I thought it would be fun if we have a sleepover. Only girls time :) What do you think!?”
Tina: “Yeah, I’m down for that. That would be fun!”
Brittany: “Yes sounds fun!”
Marley: “Oh yes. Thank you. Sounds fun.”
Kitty: “Yeah, I’m in!”
Clary: “Count me in as well.”
Sugar: “Okay!!! So tomorrow night at my place. 7pm”

The next day arrived. It was the day of the sleepover. All the girls were exited. Sugar had texted Brittany earlier that day if she could come over to help prepare some things. And help to move some stuff. So of course Brittany went over to Sugar a little earlier. They were setting up drinks and food on the counter in the kitchen so everybody could grab there drinks and food for them self. After they set up and changed the livingroom a little, they took a shower and got them selfs ready for the party. Brittany was wearing a dark blue skinny jeans with a white blouse. Sugar was wearing a beautiful pink dress that ended just a little above her knees. They all greeted Brittany and Sugar. Sugar showed everyone around where the bathroom was and where they could grab there drinks and food. So when everyone settled they started with watching a movie. They were watching Mean Girls. When the movie was finished the girls grabbed another drink. They were thinking of a game to play. But when they couldn’t think of any they choose another movie. They choose Pitch Perfect. They all were singing alone with the songs. The girls had seen the movie before. It was 12:30am so they were all getting settled in there beds.  Goodnight.

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