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"STOP!" I ran towards the end of the bridge where a boy is trying to jump. I ran at full speed and pushed him down with me and him on top of me. I got up and checked is he was okay and hugged him. I could never ignore things like this I know how it feels to be sad on what sadness could do to you.

"Why would you do this" I whispered in his ear not having the power for more. My heart has been beating abnormally too much today.

"I just can't now" he sobbed looking down. I didn't say anything but led him to the near by bench and sat down beside him.

"I-i am a hybrid and the world hates me am an abomination. Everyone hates me. What is the reason for living" I crouched down in front of him and took his face in between my hands forcing him to look in my eyes.

"Hey I am so sorry you have to face so much hate and racism. You aren't alone in this many people both human and hybrids have faced and still facing this. Everyone has a reason to live. God made you for a reason. And hey! I don't hate you! I mean have you looked at yourself?" I huffed and stood up crossing my arms looking down at him while he sniffed thankfully not crying now.

"What?" He asked in a shaky confused voice.

Okay areum time for you overdramatic skills.

" like have you seen yourself? You look like you came out of a book itself ofcourse no one likes you they are jealous of you. Your soooo handsome! And I don't know you yet I could tell you would have an amazing personality"

He was looking at me with raised eyebrows like he wasn't believing a word i was telling, well he should coz he most definitely is handsome.

"God really took his time making you. Wahhh and here I look like a boiled peas. You know? Coz boiled peas are disgusting" I made a gagging face. I dispise peas.

He cracked a smile and  I put a hand over my heart faking to have a heartattack.

"Ahh heartattack an angel smiled at me. I am dyinggggg" I dragged out the last words and fell down on the ground acting dead.

He laughed full on. I cracked one eye open and gasped

"Oh my am I in heaven?! Woah!! That such a good looking angel! I can't believe this!"

I removed my phone from my pocket and dialed my home phone number.

He looked confused I made shush.

"Hello whose there?"

Jimin's sleep filled voice came out. I put the phone on the speaker.

"Jimineeee I am in heaven! I am seeing an angel!"

The boy laughed but silently his face was red.

"What the heck are you taking about areum"

"I am not kidding jimin I am seeing a freaking angel!"

Jimin sighed through the line he is probably massaging his forehead right now.

"Areum did you wanted for us to wake up? You could have said so. Now bye I love you"

I paused and looked at the phone and he hung up? How?! How does he drop the "L" bomb and just hang up?! .

I clicked my tongue with a shook my head and kept my phone back in my pocket and went to sit beside the boy.

"He was my hybrid? But he is more like a friend to me. And I also have more but they are friends to me and we treat each other equally"

His eyed widened and he gasped.

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