chapter six!

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chapter six! the study sleepover

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chapter six! the study sleepover

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"I just can't get my head around it,"
Erin cried out, tears still streaming down her face as she looked down at the framed photo, "The fact that he's gone. Forever."

"It's so sad, it really is, it is so, so sad, but at the same time, you know, what's done is done, so let's crack on," Clare ranted, her body physically shaking from the energy drinks she had been downing every two minutes.
Aoife glanced at the short-blonde, she could see the girl's body vibrating from where she sat cuddled into James' side.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Clare," Erin snapped, tightening her grip around the photo frame in her hands, "Has his sudden, tragic death interrupted your studies?"

"It has a bit, actually, yeah," Clare admitted, taking another swig from her can.

"How can you be so heartless?"

"Don't cry Erin, he's in a better place now," Orla offered, pointing up at the ceiling, supposedly towards heaven, "Unless he's not, you know unless he's gone to hell."

Michelle frowned, rubbing at her temple in frustration, "Can we please talk about something else? I'm half torn, this is wrecking my head."

"What? Have you been drinking?" Erin snapped, disgust dripping from her voice as she looked over at Michelle.

"I tried to stop her," Aoife mumbled, not even looking up from her textbook, trying to remember the revision tips Caoimhe had taught her. 

"Yes, I have," Michelle admitted, lifting the bottle from her bag, "And for future reference, if any of you invite me to a study sleepover again and I'm desperate enough to accept that invitation, there's a good chance I have a litre bottle of Pernod in my bag."

"I shouldn't even have to sit the exam," Erin decided, dropping the frame onto the bed beside her.

The girls looked up at Erin, confusion crossing their features as they waited for Erin to explain, "On you know, compassionate grounds."

"He was a dog, Erin! It's not like it was Granda," Aoife snapped, getting sick of her cousin and her mourning.

"Toto was much more than a dog! Toto was my best friend!" Erin insisted, turning the frame around for her friends to look at the picture.

Michelle groaned rising to her feet, and moving towards the window, ripping the curtains open, "Christ, I feel a bit boakey."

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