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Expensive shoes tapped on the wet pavement. A man wearing an expensive suit walking in the cold and silent night. His gaze is enough to make your knees weak and make you submit. He, himself is the devil but today something was wrong with the devil. He looked pretty weak and had a hard time walking. He was clutching his stomach and groans could be heard coming out of his mouth from time to time.

"You will pay for this" his knees finally gave in and he found himself succumbing to darkness

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A boy with green fluffy hair was walking his way to his home. He clutched his yellow backpack tightly as he hummed a random tune. He stopped in his tracks when he saw a motionless body. He hurriedly approached the man and inspected his wound.

"The wound isn't deep but you lost too much blood. Should I call for an ambulance? Or maybe I should just carry you to my house? Which could be faster?" He stopped mumbling and decided to carry the stranger on his back

"Oof you're quite heavy dear sir" his house was only a few steps away and he carried the body to his bedroom. He retrieved a first aid kit in his bathroom and immediately treated the stranger's wound.


The sunlight peeked in the curtains disturbing someone's peaceful slumber. His eyes shot open as he recalled last night's event. He tried sitting up and felt a sudden shock of pain. He scanned his surroundings and searched for any signs of threat but saw nothing.

"Good morning. I made you breakfast" a boy with an average height popped in the bedroom and set the tray of food on the nightstand.

"Who are you?" He asked warily and glared at the boy

"Oh, right! I haven't introduced myself. How rude of me. My name is Midoriya Izuku" he smiled innocently

"Why did you save me? What do you want from me?" He asked again and kept his gaze hard and icy

"Eh? I mean any normal person would save you, right? It doesn't matter if you're a stranger, saving you is more important. And I thought bringing you to my house would be faster and more efficient to treat your wound because the ambulance might arrive a little too late resulting in you having lost more blood- ah sorry for mumbling" he laughed embarrassed

The latter relaxed as the boy showed no threats and intent in killing him. He lowered his guard a little and began to eat the food prepared for him.

"Is it tasty? I didn't know what you liked. I hope eggs and bacon are good enough for you. Also, I changed your outfit because it was too bloody. I just finished your clothes from drying though. I can give it back to you anytime" he stopped mumbling when he made eye contact with the stranger

"What's your name if I may ask?" He asked as he sat on the edge of the bed to avoid scaring the stranger

"Todoroki Shoto" he replied plainly

As the man with a split coloured hair continued eating, Midoriya took this opportunity to stare at the man.

His hair is evenly split between two colours: white on his right side and crimson red on his left. He also possessed heterochromia iridium which caused his left eye's iris to appear turquoise, while his right is a somewhat brownish dark grey. He has a large burn scar on the left side of his face, which reaches from his hairline to halfway down his cheek. He doesn't talk too much and is quite reserved. The way he moves is surprisingly graceful and Midoriya can help but be enchanted by the latter's beauty.

"What is it?" The man's voice brought him back from his trance and looked away blushing because he was caught staring

"N-nothing" he stammered and quickly handed him some painkillers. He took away the tray and washed the dishes.

"Thank you very much for saving me. I owe you my life. Is there anything I could give to repay your kindness?" He asked as he fixed his suit.

"Eh? Oh... You don't need to repay me. I'm just glad that you're back on your feet again." He smiled warmly. Todoroki was surprised to hear this

"Are you sure? Anyone would want something in return. I could give you anything you want-" he got cut off from an angry broccoli

"As I said, I don't want to be repaid. Stop making it look like I saved you so that I could get money out of you, Todoroki-kun" he puffed his cheeks and knitted his brows

'C-cute' Todoroki thought as he stared at an angry broccoli

"Sorry" he apologized

"It's alright, but you can stay for a while if you want though" he offered but he declined

"I appreciate your offer but I don't want to cause you more trouble besides my family might be worried about me" he replied

"Will I see you again?" He asked as he watched the split coloured hair boy opened the door preparing to leave

"You will. Thank you and goodbye, Midoriya" he waved his hands and closed the door

"So, is he your boyfriend?" A voice startled him and looked back to see Shinsou eating an apple

"It's nothing like that, Shinsou-kun. He was wounded last night and I just treated his wounds. I guess you could say we're just an acquaintance" he explained

"Whatever you say" he smirked

"It's the truth, you sleep-deprived slug" he stuck his tongue out and ran as his friend chased him


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