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They arrived at Todoroki's mansion and he carried Midoriya to his bedroom. He passed out from exhaustion and Todoroki was very furious because he might have been hurt badly.

"What will you do now? You can't hide your identity from him anymore" Touya asked

Todoroki remained silent and stood up preparing to visit Midoriya

"Usually, you'd kill anyone who knows about our identity" Touya smirked waiting for his brother's next move

"I'll go visit him" he left his office with an unamused face

He knocked on the door and went inside. He saw Midoriya gazing outside the window. It seems that he didn't hear him knock

"Midoriya?" He called and his head instantly turn

"Todoroki-kun" he dashed forward and hugged him. He was caught off guard but hugged him back nonetheless.

"I'm so glad you're safe, Todoroki-kun" they both let go and sat on the bed

"You should worry about yourself, Midoriya. And you should probably be afraid of me" he said

"Why?" He asked

"I'm the leader of the Endeavor Gang" he made his gaze icy and scary

"Really?! That's so cool! And don't even try to look scary you're still the Todoroki-kun I know that likes cold soba" he giggled cutely

"You aren't scared of me?" He asked shocked

"Nope! It's actually cool to be in a gang! Did you create this gang?" He asked excitedly

"I was appointed to be the next leader after my father died. My mother and my other siblings died when I was 7 from an ambush. My father thought that my older brother was dead as well that's why he appointed me but he survived and hid for years. My father trained me to be the perfect leader and he was the one who gave me this scar. Years later, he died from an ambush as well and my brother came back home after he received the news" he explained and Midoriya was in tears

"I don't need your sympathy" he said coldly and the latter hugged him again

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. It must have been tough but thank you for surviving each battle you were fighting. I'm really mad at your father for dragging you into this mess. I hope you know that you're not alone anymore, Todoroki-kun. You have me and I'll never leave your side" he continued crying his eyes out and Todoroki's eyes shimmered with tears threatening to fall. It was the first time someone cared for him, someone got mad on his behalf, someone comforts him and someone made him safe. He stopped crying when he was 8 because of his father's harsh training. He forgot how to cry and somehow Midoriya made him remember.

"Sorry for crying on your shoulder" he apologized but he didn't mind

"Eat your lunch, now" he motioned him to eat the tray of food on his nightstand

"Hello! Sorry for barging in! I'm Shoto's older brother, Todoroki Touya. Nice to meet you, broccoli boy!" His brother happily approached the boy

"Broccoli boy? Uhmm.. My name is Midoriya Izuku. Nice to meet you too" he replied

"I see why my little brother has an interest in you" he smirked at his brother

"Eh?" He asked confused

"Good thing you're innocent and dense" his older brother laughed and went out

"Let's chat another time, broccoli boy" his younger brother sighed and apologized for his actions

"Your older brother has red hair! Just like your right side" he said

"Yeah... Anyway, you'll be staying here at my mansion from now on and you can't leave without my permission" he coldly declared

"Why's that?"

"Other gangs know about you now and will do anything to have you. They think they can use you against me and I'm really sorry for dragging you into this mess" he bowed but the latter replied 'it's not your fault'

"You can roam at my mansion if you want" he offered and he swore he saw Midoriya's eyes shone like stars

Time Skip brought you by Endeavor

Midoriya met all of the members and was now talking with Ochako and Ida.

"I'm surprised you didn't kill him, Shoto" Touya said

"He's different from others, brother. I wish to protect him even if it costs my life" he stated clearly

"I guess I'll put my life on the line for him as well" his brother shrugged

"Thank you, Touya-san" he smiled a bit

"OHO! It's been a while since I last saw my brother smile! I didn't know you could smile!" His brother teased him

"Shut up and go hang out with Keigo or something" he teased back

"It's not like that, Shoto" he crossed his arms and averted his little brother's gaze

"Is that so? I've seen you hang out with Keigo, the leader of Hawks' Gang." he chuckled when he saw his brother's red cheeks

"Touya, your Sangwoo is showing" he smirked

"I'm outta here" he stormed off embarrassed


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