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It's been weeks since he last saw Midoriya. He doesn't know but he felt a sudden longing for him. He wanted to meet him again. He continued to spaced out as he watched tiny droplets of rain rolled down his office's window.

"What's wrong little bro? You seem distracted" Touya said as he placed some documents on his brother's table

"It's nothing, Touya" he replied and continued working again

"You should meet with that boy if you want to, you know?" Touya implied

"I have no idea what you're talking about" he simply brushed it off and continued signing the documents

"Go meet up with your emotional support broccoli boy if you want. I mean who's stopping you?" His brother smirked teasingly

Todoroki finished signing and reviewing all the documents and stood up.

"I'm going out for a bit" he left his office to change into a normal clothing

"Go get your mans lil' bro" his brother chuckled knowing him all too well


Todoroki blended well with the crowd as he followed a certain boy. Midoriya was with someone else. He watched from a distance as they both went inside a convenience store and ate some noodles. The unidentified boy had purple hair and a timid look. He watched as the boy made Midoriya smile and laugh. He couldn't help but feel salty. He stomped his way to the store and pretended to buy something. He purposely made himself visible to Midoriya so that he would notice him.

"Todoroki-kun?" He grinned inside when his plan worked

"Midoriya? What a coincidence to see you here" he approached and two and subtly glared at the boy next to him

But Shinsou noticed and decided to tease him a bit. Todoroki sat beside him and got the chance to know the boy beside Midoriya.

"You look different, Todoroki-kun." He said. Todoroki was wearing a white hoodie, ripped jeans and paired with some black converse.

"But I still look handsome even with this kind of clothing right?" He smirked when he saw Midoriya flushed a bright red

"Want some?" Shinso offered some chips and he took some

"You know what Midoriya? If you weren't my broccoli friend, I'd definitely go out with you" he watched the other's reaction in the corner of his eyes. His face was still emotionless and continued eating the chips. But Shinsou didn't know that Todoroki was boiling with anger inside and was ready to murder him

"Shut up, Shinsou. I'm no match for Denki, anyway" he laughed innocently and Todoroki was glad the latter already has someone else

"I should probably go now. I'm meeting up with my boyfriend. Goodbye, you two!" He went out and walked away leaving the two in awkward silence

"Wanna walk outside?" Todoroki offered and he nodded

"Todoroki-kun, can we become friends?" He asked and looked up at him because he was taller. Todoroki couldn't resist those big innocent eyes so he covered his face as he tilted his head back. He was screaming inside for how cute he looked.

"Todoroki-kun?" He called his name and tilted his head in confusion

"Of course we can, Midoriya" he quickly composed himself and continued walking alongside him

"Then, can I know more about you? But you can decline if you want, I don't want to push you and make you uncomfortable. Am I being nosy? I just want to know more about you and you can know more about me but like I said-" He stopped mumbling as he got cut off with a simple 'what do you want to know about me?'

"Uhm... Like your favourite food? Color?" He asked curiously

"I like soba and for my favourite colour? I guess that would be white. How about you?" he replied

"I like katsudon and my favourite colour is red just like your hair. Now that I've mentioned it, is your hair like that ever since you were born? It's just that your hair colour is so unique and the way it's evenly split makes it more unique. And your eyes, they look so beautiful. Everything about you is so unique. Ah, I'm sorry. I was mumbling again, didn't I?" He smiled sheepishly

"I was born with this hair colour as well as with my eyes and I don't know why though. People usually make fun of me because of my hair, my eyes and my scar." He sat down beside Midoriya on the bench

"Eh really? Your hair looks so smooth and the colour suits you. As well as with your eyes. I don't know how you got that scar but everything about you makes you, you. Everything about you is unique and special. That's why you're you, Todoroki-kun" he smiled widely and it made Todoroki's heart warm

"You're the first person who said that to me" Todoroki stopped talking and quickly scanned his surrounding. The park looked empty but he can feel that someone was watching them. He heard a sound of a gun clicking and immediately made Midorya duck.

"Stay low, Midoriya" he stood up and started shooting in the direction of the shooter.

"Touya, pick us up at the park now. We're being attacked" he called his brother. He continued shooting showing no signs of mercy. Eyes cold and empty. Minutes later, his brother arrived and they both went in. They left the scene with dead bodies scattered around the area


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