A frightening beggining

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Conn's P.O.V

I woke up at seven o'clock as usual. I got ready to go to school as I did every morning. When I got down the stairs my dog ran to my feet and jumped up onto me with excitment. I spent about ten minutes playing with her. I let her into the back gardento play.

I sat down to read the news paper. It was the twenty ninth of February. This only happens every four years. The headline reminded me of someting. On the twebty ninth of February all of the first year students dissapear and a month or so later around four or less come back covered in injuries.

I began to freak out. I ran upstairs to my mam and told her but she didn't seem bothered by it. She told me to go to school. I left for school. After around two minutes I reached my friend Mile's house. She was the smartest student in our year.

Mile description : brown hair to her shoulders, five foot two and incredibly attractive. I have a secret crush on Mile and have for a few years.

I told her about my worries."Conn it's all in your imagination it will be fine" said Mile. "I know it's true. This has happened every twenty ninth of February since 1990" I replied. " Remember what we were told before secondary school there was only one girl eho returned called Ashley"said Mile. "But if I remember correctly she died of injuries in hospital after her return" I replied. "She did and any others who returned wince at the mention of it" she said with a sigh.

We met our friend Sasha as we got to the round about at the end of our road. She was white with fear. " Today is the twenty ninth!" She shouted at us. "We know Sasha we know" replied Mile who was now looking scared too. "Do you think its true" asked Sasha.

Sasha description : long curly hair, five foot four very pretty and has a crush on Kieran that only Mile and I know about.

"They wouldn't lie to us about something this serious would they" said Mile trying to sound hopeful. "They always could" said a happy voice from behind. "Hi Kieran" we all said almost in unisine.

Kieran description : longish hair, freckles and has a crush on Sasha only Mile and I know about.

"I don't believe it for one second" said Kieran. "We all do though" I replied trying to hide the fear in my voice."Conn, Sasha and Mile you especially I expected more common sense from the three of you" Kieran said with a laugh."If anyone needs more common sense its you Kieran" I retaliated almost imediatley.

"Well look who it is" said a voice from behind me. I turned around, behind me stood the school bullies. Tyra, Iris, Richard and Ryan. "Are the little nerds worried about going to Sangas island" said Iris mockingly. Iris had a sister who survived in the dissapearance of 2004. "We are going to win" she said. "My sister told me there is four people in every group and you choose your group members"said Iris.

We sped up. At about half eight we reached the school we went to our class room's. First we agreed that we would if it happened enter in a group together. When I reached my class room my teacher said he had bad news for us.

"You are going to the island Sanges. It's highly unlikely that any of you will return after this and those of you who did will never forget what happens to you. This is all going to be bet on by the teachers" he told us.

"since all of you have come into this.shcool you have been graded and last night your grades were worked out out of one hundred" he contiued. He gave each of us our grades. I had recieved ninety seven percent. I recieved the highest in the entire year. Tyra was in my class. Unluckily for her it was graded fiftey pervent on class workk and fiftey percent on physical ability. She got a grade of sixtey three.

Our class was escorted to the P.E hall. We got into our groups. The pricipal stood up and said a few words. He wished us luck and said that if we help anyone not in our group it will result in an imediate death.

Each group got five minutes to exchange results with there other members. Mile.got nintey five she was bad at P.E Sasha got Seventy percent and Kieran got an extremley low fiftey. We were all incredibley worried about what would happen to us.

Outside there was a group af helicopters. One helicopter to a group. As We took off we were asked by a flight attendant what is our group name. We decided on team neo. she took it down on a lap-top and emailed it to someone,

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