Family small out with an extra person

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Author's  note
Before we start,  I know many of you have waited for the continuous of this book. The last chapter wasn't much of a success either but I hope u love this chapter.

The week ended and I had major plans in my mind.  Saturday morning,  I was so pumped I got up so early,  a quality I didn't really have in me.  I mean,  I woke up at 5am on a weekend.  My mum will think I'm sick or have insomnia since I can stay in bed till 12pm, but no today.

I got a lot of time to prepare so,  I didn't rush.  I decided to wear blue shorts, a white shirt and a light jacket,  gold in colour.  I also let my hair down, did a little make up. Before I left my room,  I heard a ping from my phone. 

The message was from Evan.
Boyfriend 💗
Morning Shane.  Is the plan still on?  I'm still in the list,  right?

I laughed to myself before replying.

Shane Cutie😊
Lol.  The plan is a go.  Plus I can't cancel you now.

Okay.  See you in a bit.

Shane Cutie😊
Sure thing.

I closed my phone then slowly tiptoed downstairs to make breakfast.  Whenever I made breakfast,  which was really rare BTW,   everyone would wake up just by the wonderful smell in the air.  It's like they are driven by demons cuz the minute the smell starts to waft in the air,  they are all up and kicking. 

This time was not any different.  The smell brought my Lil sister,  Olivia,  running into the kitchen. 
"Gosh,  that smells so good!! " she freaked out.  I giggled.  Yeah,  she may be,(scratch that)  she is the most annoying sister I could ever have but she's got a soft and good spot on her. 

"I'm first! " she shrieked again.  "Sure thing.  Now go wash your hands as I prepare your plate.... O...., " before I was done,  she had already disappeared into the dining room, and was washing her hands.

My mum and aunt then came running into the dining room,  then into the kitchen. "Shane,  are you alright baby?  Did you get enough sleep? " my mum began
*Told y'all *

"I'm fine mum.  Go grab a chair then I bring break....., " again,  I got interrupted.  "No!!  I was here first so I get my breakfast first, " Olivia yelled.  *And she's back*

My mum giggled while my aunt and I laughed. "Don't worry honey,  you will be the first one in line, " my mum said gently. 

They all left the kitchen as I made the finishing touches. I brought the food in the dining room and I also sat down,  everyone dug in and after 20 minutes of eating,  we were all done. Olivia was about to leave but I cleared my throat,  catching everyone's attention.

"Um, I got something to say, " I said then they all kept quiet and looked at me. 

"Guys,  I've noticed that ever since we moved in, I've just been all around my life that I spent less time with you.  Now,  I know you are all free and there is no backing out on this one, " I said looking at everyone straight in the eye.  They looked so curious so I just let the cat out of the bag.

In my hands, I held onto 5 tickets to the new movie, 'Julie and the band' I raised then up in the air and said, " Get ready all you guys and then we will go to the cinema to watch this movie. "

They were all happy,  my mother in particular was moved to tears but I knew she could not help it.  She was the one who was most affected by my character. 

"But they are 5 tickets , and we are just four, " my aunt noticed. "Who else is tagging along? " she asked just a little curious. 

"Oh,  just Evan, " I said it like nothing.  They didn't mind and left hurriedly to prepare.  Next 40 minutes,  everyone was downstairs and ready to go.  Just then, the door bell rang.

*Just on time*
I opened the door and was met by a smiling Evan. I smiled back and gave him a hug.  I introduced him to my aunt and Olivia since they had not met him.  After all the introductions,  we hit the road to the cinema at around 9am.

We weren't in a big rush since the movie was to start from 10am. We arrived after 40 minutes,  then got off the car. 

We gave the tickets away,  bought some snacks then took our front row seats. Olivia sat to my left,  same to my aunt and mother.  Evan on the other hand,  sat on my right.

The movie was just perfect.  Time went by and before we knew it, it was 1pm. I told Evan to keep my people busy as I rushed to buy some food supplies. 

I rushed across the street and into MacDonald's. I bought some food and sodas then rushed back,  and put everything behind the car,  just like the picnic blankets that were there. 

I then went back to were Evan, my little sister,  mum and aunt were.  Here I thought Evan was at the verge of death covering up for me but,  he was taking it smooth.  It was as if he made my people forget I ever existed since they weren't worried at all.

We then left the cinema and I was the one behind the wheel.  Only Evan and I knew where else we were to go.  The 30 minute drive was a bit,  hectic if you may ask me. 

Olivia, happens to catch a scent of sth really quick,  so she knew that there was food somewhere in the car.  She was really annoying and persistent trying to find where the food was but my mum made her sit put.

"I know for a fact that there is food in the car.  It is...... McDonald's, " she said slowly to herself. 'Well little madam,  you are right' I said to myself and smiled.

We came to a stop in a place full of trees.  Everyone got out and followed Evan as I got the food and picnic blankets from behind the car.  Behind the trees was a clear space,  up in a cliff.  Under the cliff,  well,  the blue ocean.  It was just perfect. 

My mum,  aunt and Olivia were all mesmerized. Evan looked behind and winked. Plan complete. 

Evan slowly moved behind and helped me set out the place.  It didn't take long and once my people all looked behind,  Evan and I yelled, "Surprise!! "

"I knew it was MacDonald's,  I knew it!! " Olivia shrieked as she ran to the picnic blanket.  My mum was in tears. I walked up to her and hugged her.  "Sorry I was so distant.  I wanna make it up to you.  Come sit, " I said. 

We all sat down and ate.  We even took pictures with goofy faces and with the beautiful scenery behind us. Before we knew it,  it was dusk. 

We packed up and went but home.  I hugged Evan bye and went back to the house. 

I hardly was inside when I was attacked by a hug.  It was my mum,  aunt and Lil sister.  "Thank you,"  they said in unison.

What can I say? I had a perfect day.

Author's note.
Hi.  Hope u like my chapter. 💗💗

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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