3// w r i t i n g s & s t a r s

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Emily's pov

I close the door behind me and sit down on my desk. I remember it's been a while since I last opened my favorite book; What We See in the Stars by Kelsey Oseid. It's an illustrated book with information, theories, stories, and more about the stars, constellations, northern lights, etc. 

I've had this passion for stars since I was a kid

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I've had this passion for stars since I was a kid. No, not the planets, the solar system, or the galaxy, just the stars and the moon. I'm also a sucker for astrology-related stuff. But my favorite thing, ever, will always be constellations. I was never a kid with an interest in dance, or whatever. When people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said I wanted to become an astronomer. That was until I was diagnosed with COPD. My whole life changed. So I just stuck to learning as much as I possibly could about the stars.

My dream now isn't really to become an astronomer, since I can't for obvious reasons. But now, my dream is to watch the night sky in the Atacama, a desert in Chile. It's the best place to watch and admire the stars in the world. Of course, it's a hard dream to achieve, especially with COPD. But my hopes are high and I'm doing my best to get to it. 

I read for about 20 minutes when I start getting a breathing attack, kind of used to it at this point. I place my feet on the floor and do the same method I'd done with Julie back then today. After that I reach for my inhalator in my nightstand, pushing the top button to inhale, and exhaling roughly. After breathing gets easier again, I put by breathing tube back on and continue reading, just when Julie knocks on the door. "Dinnertime!"

Liam's pov

I don't think I have any more tears left. Grandma just got out of surgery, and I'm waiting for the doctors to let me in her room, or at least give me good news, which after thinking things again, I don't think any news will be good after this. I'm finishing up a poem I started writing when she first entered surgery, honestly not one of my best ones, but I kinda like it. I see doctor Sandy walking my way, with a concerned look on her face. I know what is happening. 

"She's not good is she?" I ask blankly. 

"I'm sorry Liam..." she sighs, "She has 7 hours left." She replies looking down to the floor and holding her latex gloves with both of her hands. 

I feel my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach, that's probably a really clichè thing to say, but it's true. I can feel it, it's the worst feeling possible. My bottom lip trembles but no tears come out of my eyes. I simply nod my head in understanding. 

"D-Do you think I can maybe see her Doc?" My voice cracks. 

She nods her head with some tears forming in her eyes. She has been grandma's doctor since she first got this weird heart disease 2 months ago. I stand up and start walking towards grandma's room. I feel like I'm dragging myself there, the sadness has taken over my body at this point, it's crazy. When I finally reach her room, I hesitate on opening the door, since I don't think I can stand seeing her suffering. She would want you to see her, you can finally tell her that poem you wrote, this is what she wants. I thought to myself.

I place my hand on the door handle, feeling the cold metal in my fingertips as I slowly turn it. My eyes weren't ready for what I saw on the other side. Grandma was there, all tied up to IVs and needles around her. But her eyes changed when she saw me...they got filled with joy and compassion. Soon my eyes met hers.

"Hi, grandma..." I whisper.

"Liam..." She says with tears forming in her eyes. I rush over to her bed and hold her hand gently, scared I'll move a wire or something. "I wrote you a poem..." I say. "Read it, Liam... I want to hear it." She whispers.

I take a deep breath and try my best not to get emotional. I open my notebook and start reading the words softly...

"I wish I had a magic wand to make it go away; I'd wave my scepter over you until you were okay.

I'd think good thoughts; I'd send you love; I'd transmit healing vibes; My wand and I would surely beat whatever the doc prescribes.

But there is no magic scepter, so I cannot cast a spell; Just know you're always in my thoughts, and I hope you'll soon be well." 

My voice cracks in the end and tears start rolling down my cheeks. When I look up I see grandma crying too, clearly touched by my words. I hug her tightly with more tears than ever, whimpering in her arms like a little kid. "I love you, grandma," I sob. "I love you more Liam..." She whispers running her hand through my hair as she used to when I was little. "I guess this is goodbye," I say, not being sure if I was gonna stop crying. "Don't say that child, It's not. Remember, whenever you look up at the stars, it means I'll be there, watching you from above. I'll always be here, you just won't be able to see me." She smiles, with more tears running down her cheeks. 

I hug her tightly not wanting to let go, but I know the visiting hours are already over, so I have to go. "I don't want to leave..." I say. "I know Liam but you have to, follow on with your life, write poems and touch people's heart, do it for me. Continue this long journey, fall in love, achieve your dreams...please, don't give up, ever." She whispers holding me. I nod my head sobbing, looking her in the eyes. "Goodbye..." I say, letting go of her hand slowly, and walking towards the door. She smiles and nods. "Goodbye kiddo."

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